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IPFS News Link • Corruption

Dialogue With the Devil: Freemasons & the Vatican

•, By T. S. Flanders

Disclaimer: this article describes some of the darkness of Vatican corruption.

Cardinal Martini, the architect of the St. Gallen Mafia, had an auxiliary bishop in Milan. That man was Francesco Coccopalmerio, whom Benedict XVI elevated to the cardinalate a year before he resigned. You may shudder to remember Cardinal Coccopalmerio from the Capozzi affair – when his secretary was caught in a revolting cocaine sodomitical orgy – or the Inzoli affair – when Coccopalmerio was alleged to have advocated for child abuser Mauro Inzoli to be reinstated as a priest.

These things are only symptoms of a dialogue with the Devil that seems to have been going on for some time in Milan under Cardinal Martini and his Mafia. The latest scandal about the Vatican and Freemasonry was not the first time this happened publicly.

On February 16, 2024, Cardinal Coccopalmerio was a presenter at a Masonic conference organised by three Italian lodges.

It was here that the Benedict-appointed Cardinal became the first prelate to ask for a "permanent dialogue" with the demonic conspiracy known as Freemasonry.

But under the Francis pontificate, this also was not the first time we've seen prelates dance publicly with the Devil. In 2016, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi wrote what Pentin calls a "conciliatory letter" to the Freemasons, which has helped to spur on this absurd dialogue between Truth and lies.

Now Cardinal Coccopalmerio has presented again publicly to the Freemasons, saying there has been "an evolution in mutual understanding" between the devil's minions [Freemasonry] and the Catholic Church.