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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

"I Didn't Do That": Biden Reportedly Has No Idea He Issued 'Trans Day Of Visibilit

•, by Tyler Durden

Point in case, when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday "trans day of visibility," Biden flat out denied it.

"I didn't do that," Biden reportedly said when asked about the proclamation, RealClear Politics' Philip Wegmann reports.

When asked about Speaker Johnson's claim that he had, Biden replied, "he's thoroughly uninformed."

Except, as we all know, that's complete bullshit.

Of course, the biggest takeaway from this is obviously: Who's running the show? 

As Ian Miller noted on X (@ianmSC):

"It's hard to figure out which possibility is funnier here — that he has no idea what's being said under his name in proclamations and public posts, or that he's already forgotten what happened literally yesterday."

'Funnier' or 'scarier'?