IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Michael Moore on Broadway

Michael Moore on Broadway

by Stephen Lendman

Say it isn't so. The Great White Way theater district may never be the same again.

Starting with a July preview, he'll open on August 10 for 12 weeks, railing eight times a week in a solo production he calls "The Terms of My Surrender," asking:

"Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?" - adding: "To unseat a president, it will take an act of Broadway." Will theatergoers pay to see him bash Trump? They can get it free on television daily.

Moore transformed himself from documentary filmmaker to political laughing stock. Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, he was hysterically pro-Hillary, anti-Trump, making a fool of himself all the way - Broadway his next stop despite Trump's election.

His irrational ranting lost him credibility long ago. After Hillary's defeat, he called for her to be installed as president anyway. He's either daffy, dumb or both.

True enough, Trump is a deplorable president. Hillary's record from before her Arkansas days to first lady and public office revealed her to be the most ruthlessly dangerous presidential aspirant in US history.

She's a crook, perjurer and war criminal, superb credentials for US high office - maybe why Moore supports her, denigrating himself in the process.

He calls Trump an "illegitimate" president, a Putin "lapdog," a "Russian traitor," a "madman," wanting him arrested and ousted from office. Maybe an old-fashioned coup d'etat is OK with him.

He urged undemocratic Democrats "to declare a national emergency…cease all business," and remove Trump from office if he won't voluntarily step down.

Now you know what he'll tell theatergoers on Broadway, foolish enough to pay for what's explained above.

What he really wants is cashing in on bashing Trump. After Broadway, maybe he'll take his rant on the road, profiting in one city after another.

For starters, he said "(i)f one was going to stand on a stage and do the things that I'm going to do, there's only one place to do it, and it's here in this city and it's right here at the epicenter of creative expression and free speech."

"Can something like this unravel an unhinged man," he asked? "I think that discombobulation might be our most effective path to undoing his presidency."

"I think people will find themselves laughing one minute and wanting to go look for some pitchforks and torches the next."

Moore on Broadway will be more of a platform for rabble-rousing than a legitimate production, for sure bad theater, an over-the-top performance assured.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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