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Traffic has been steadily growing in traffic over the 4 years since its inception.  We are currently consistently receiving over 7,000 unique IPs per day.  . uses to directly measure our traffic. We will continue to grow, as the need for the information we are disseminating continues to increase.  Every day, more and more people become awakened to the knowledge, that they are indeed living in a one world fascist state. will continue to be there to report the news the main stream media only wants to bury. will continue to be in the forefront of the R3volution, as it has always been, just like was when it’s Publisher Ernest Hancock created the logo for the Ron Paul R3volution back in February 2007. is listed with, and is ranked in the top 100,000 websites in the world.  As you can see we are very competitive with other freedom movement based websites.'s search rankings are growing steadily, as a result, of our ongoing search optimization.   Our search ranking up 181% over 3 months ago and attributes to our Alexa ranking of 98,672
We have launched has paid for 4- 48 x 12 foot billboards placed in the Phoenix area to drive more visitors to the website.  Not my debt billboards.  These billboards were rotated around the Phoenix metro area in high traffic locations including freeway to promote the website and our advertisers.
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