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Future Predictions

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Article Image - By Steve Watson

Moody's Analytics has predicted that Donald Trump will easily win reelection in 2020, with three models showing that the President will secure at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351.

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(Natural News) Will you get shorter when you get old, lose your memory, and be on a dozen different medications? Will you need hip replacements, and knee replacements, and need to receive organ donations just to carry on? Will you be put on blood thi

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Is America incapable of going back to the "good old days" where we understood what it means to live in a constitutional republic and defended our liberties against all enemies, foreign and domestic? A new article from Michael Snyder cites plenty of p

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It's up to us to improve the world. If obediently waiting for someone or something else could work, the dominating structures of the world would have improved long, long ago. But they haven't, leaving the job to us.

Article Image - By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

By the way, young people are not taught about the evils of the Left, only its myths. They do not believe there were gigantic atrocities in the Lenin-Stalin Soviet Union, nor Mao's China. Socialism is good! Everyone is better off under socialism. Ev
