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Future Predictions

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Letters to the Editor • Global
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YouTube Video

See Dr. Albert Bartlett, Prof. of Physics, at Colorado University, prove with simple math almost everything we are told about the sustainability of oil and coal reserves, population growth, and future energy needs is a lie.

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Alex Jones' Infowars

The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions - all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressin

News Link • Global Reported By Catherine Abbitt
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The University of Texas at Austin

Just how are we made to fear? In this an interview conducted on May 18, 1958 Aldous Huxley, author of "Brave New World", talks to Mike Wallace about threats to freedom in the United States, overpopulation, bureaucracy, propaganda, drugs,

News Link • Global Reported By Catherine Abbitt
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Mike Wallace interviewed Aldous Huxley on 5/18/58 for ABC. In this 30 minute conversation they discussed the "Enemies of Freedom" and how the U.S. could move toward a soft dictatorship in the 21st century. Scary!

News Link • Global Reported By
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Federal Register via

The Secretary, HHS, provides notice of the determination of the Secretary of Homeland Security on September 23, 2008 that there is a significant potential for a domestic emergency involving a heightened risk of attack with a specified biological, che

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Rep. Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic. Paul ran a contrarian campaign for the Republican nomination this year on a platform of individual liberty, a foreign policy of non-interventionism, a gold-backed monetary system, and a return to constitutional

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“Islam divides the world into two parts. The part governed by sharia, or Islamic law, is called the Dar al-Islam, or House of Submission. Everything else is the Dar al-Harb, or House of War, so called because it will take war—holy war, jihad—to bring

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U.S. Government Accountability Office

GAO says: "To close the fiscal gap under Baseline Extended would require action today equal to about a 23 percent increase in revenue or reduction in programmatic spending. . ."Under our Alternative simulation [much more realistic], waiting

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Freedom in Our Time(Will Grigg)

To the surprise of no sentient being, our rules have been deceiving us regarding their plans for the restive mesopotamian province of their empire. General Petraeus, the military messiah du jour, is to offer a critical review of the surge in Septeme

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Personal DNA sequences will become a routine tool in the diagnosis of diseases within 10 years, according to the father of genetics, James Watson. He said that, as the costs of the sequencing technology tumble, doctors will be able to use the inform

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Raiders News Network

Wanted: Power-systems engineer with experience in high power(5-100-kW) motor-controller design. Must be US citizen and have valid ISO1443-compatible access-control RFID implant. Sound farfetched? Today, yes. A decade from now, maybe not.

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(A look into the future using some facts about the world around you that you should know - Definately worth your time to watch this short video)