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Events: America

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Bitcoin was born on the internet but destined to end up in court. Where there's money, there's a trail of gold-diggers, scammers, and slighted plaintiffs, and as bitcoin has risen in value, so have the court cases. With lawsuits, threats of litig

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We've discussed the price to income ratio of housing in a previous article. This gave us an idea of how expensive housing has become. We'll discuss some of best points why real estate is too expensive and then provide the counterpoint explaining

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Hey, did I mention that YouTube is involved in all-out warfare against independent news sources? Oh, I have? Multiple times? Well, here it is again. If you only get my info from ThemTube, please do check out the ThemTube alternatives out there.

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John Di Domenico has been impersonating Trump for more than a decade, a job that's gotten seriously demanding since the election. VICE met up with the actor for a competition between the world's leading Trump impersonators at LA's Laugh Factory, wher

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For those of you who are new to the public debate about All Things Guns that has sprung up since the Parkland, FL tragedy, this brief primer is for you whether you are a mommy, daddy, guardian or teacher of school-age children. Most of all, if you ar

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Here's a video showing some "heroes" unhappy about a pair of guys taking video of the outside their nest - which is public property and which the citizens therefore have every legal right to take video of. But the "heroes" do not like th

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The man convicted of creating the Silk Road marketplace, Ross Ulbricht, has lost yet another appeal to extend his "post-conviction relief." Judge Katherine Forrest, the judge who sentenced Ulbricht to a double life sentence in 2015, denied the le

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Rev. Billy Graham died at the age of 99. He was known for his charisma, but said "I despise all this attention on me...I'm not trying to bring people to myself, but I know that God has sent me out as a warrior." USA TODAY

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In this video, Jason Bermas breaks down the revelations made by former WWF Pro Wrestling Star Billy Jack Haynes about his relationship to Barry Seal and a very prominent Arkansas politician at the time, as well as other stories the mainstream is bury

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It was legal to carry weed in his car when he was in Washington state. But now he was in Indiana, pulled over for a broken headlight. The cop didn't smell anything suspicious, nor did he suspect the driver of being impaired. But he did ask some qu