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Events: America

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Watch the first episode of Free Speech Rules, a new video series on free speech and the law that's written by Eugene Volokh, the Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law at UCLA, and the co-founder of the Volokh Conspiracy, which is hosted at

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Eric Peters

The French would be in the streets. Of course, they are in the streets - but that's in France. What about here? General Motors just announced it will be closing five plants and firing about 15,000 people and that's probably just for open

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Tucker Carlson is not just engaging in normal levels of criticism of Trump, he is ignoring all the positives that Trump has accomplished when he said, Trump has accomplished none of his goals. Has he been paying attention to the economy? It is the Fe

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By Karen Kwiatkowski

I am indeed honored to have received the 2018 Sam Adams Award, and as with so many things, timing is everything. The Rob Reiner movie Shock and Awe was released in the US last summer, a very watchable drama documenting US government fabulations on t

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There are Friday news-dumps and then there are Friday Trump/Russia/Mueller court-filing ka-BOOMs. So on the Monday editors' roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, and Matt Welch spend the first

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In this episode I address the troubling details of Jim Comey's Capitol Hill testimony. I also address the abusive government practices of the Democrats in the Trump era and their calls for the jailing of President Trump.