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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are "ideologically motivated" and have "objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday the House impeachment 2.0 team marched impeachment papers over to the Senate for trial. With even President Biden doubting a conviction of citizen Trump, is there a point where what increasingly appears to be a show trial backfires politica

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Almost immediately after his inauguration, President Joe Biden began creating new government dictates via executive orders. Many of these executive orders concern coronavirus, fulfilling Biden's promise to make ramping up a coronavirus-inspired att

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Just days after President Biden's inauguration, "blue" states began announcing an end to lockdowns and other restrictions. Suddenly it's time to open up. Even NY governor Cuomo said the economy must be re-started. Is it science? A miracle Covid cure?

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The national debt racket is not a Trump or Biden thing. It's not a Republican or Democrat thing. They all perpetuate it. But all rackets come to an end, and it's important that as many people as possible understand what must come next, so that this "

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

While the media continues top push the phony narrative that right wing domestic terrorists are going to descend on state capitals, yesterday saw the emergence of actual left wing rioters in the form of Antifa, which attacked in Portland and Seattle.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

As 25,000 US National Guard troops from across the country are deployed in a Washington, DC, that looks like a ghost town, surely one of the strangest US presidential inaugurations in history will take place. With DC as literally a military-occupied

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The choice that every individual must make, and the resulting civilization (of lack of civilization) that results from the choice, is always the same. It's either peace, voluntary cooperation and exchange -- or force, violence, politics, and war. Eve

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

After the January 6th mob ruckus inside the US Capitol building, the US House, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, rushed to put together articles of impeachment (again) for President Trump. Trump, they claim, led an insurrection on that day and must be hel

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The ongoing purges and restrictions of social media accounts by Big Tech are continuing, with Ron Paul's own main social media outlet having been restricted yesterday for a vague charge of "violation of community standards." In today's Liberty Report

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

Last week's massive social media purges - starting with President Trump's permanent ban from Twitter and other outlets - was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas.

Article Image by Ron Paul

After four years of a Republican-dominated government sinking the U.S. financial situation further towards bankruptcy, it's now the Democrats' turn to step firmly on the spending and debt gas pedal. As the "stimulus," and "help" and "bailouts" contin

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Was it "treason"? A "coup attempt"? What happened on Capitol Hill yesterday? There is plenty of speculation about out-of-control Trump supporters - and Federal prosecutors are champing at the bit to begin prosecuting. Were there violent infiltrators

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

News that UK Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange cannot be extradited to the US to face espionage charges has shocked supporters and opponents alike. Keeping Assange out of the clutches of the notorious Eastern Distric

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

By definition, future human actions and the motivations behind those actions cannot be known ahead of time, or predicted with pinpoint accuracy. However, an understanding of immutable economic laws and the principles of Liberty can shine a light as t