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Ron Paul Says...

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Former vice president Joe Biden has been declared president-elect by the mainstream media and he is wasting no time making good on his promise to lock the country down in the name of fighting Covid. His Covid task force member Dr. Michael Osterholm i

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The markets are euphoric over news that a new Pfizer vaccine might have 90 percent effectiveness. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has doubled down on his threat to instill a nationwide mask mandate if he prevails in the ongoing election dispute. Even as Biden a

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The introduction and legalization of "ballot harvesting," where operatives can collect and submit boxes of ballots without proof of identity, has thrown a huge monkey wrench into last night's presidential vote tally. States are wavering wildly as hun

Article Image by Ron Paul

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. by Ron Paul

When city authorities in Waynesville, NC, announced that they were considering a city mask mandate they had not idea what was about to hit them. At the city council meeting at which the discussion was to take place, a massive show of citizen oppositi

Article Image By Ira Katz

I did something recently that every LRC reader should also consider doing. I made a donation to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and thereby received a copy of Dr. Paul's new book The End of Unerarned Opulence.

Article Image by Ron Paul

Billionaire software developer Bill Gates is furious that President Trump is now listening to the moderate approach to Covid presented by Dr. Scott Atlas and is increasingly at odds with Anthony "mandatory mask" Fauci. In an interview yesterday Gates

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

The purpose of journalism is to uncover truth - especially uncomfortable truth - and to publish it for the benefit of society. In a free society, we must be informed of the criminal acts carried out by governments in the name of the people.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

"We can't do it, unless we raise taxes." These are words that one hardly ever hears from Washington. How can this be? How can they run a military empire, a humongous welfare state, bailout everyone, and make promises that can never be kept? Well, it'

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

The social media suppression of an investigative report in the New York Post about the business dealings of Joe Biden's son, with conservatives pointing out the double standards and biases of these companies' policies. Are they right? Is there a solu

Article Image by Ron Paul

Yesterday's appearance of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Wolf Blitzer's CNN news program was one of the most astonishing moments in television news history. What led Pelosi to go completely off the rails at Wolf, accusing him of being a shill f

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters and Senator Elizabeth Warren have introduced the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act. This legislation directs the Federal Reserve to eliminate racial disparities in income, employment, wealth,

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Ron Paul Institute - Ron Paul

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden spent most of last week's first Presidential debate trading insults and interrupting each other. The result was a debate with very little discussion of actual issues or policies.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report -

As Fauci warns Americans that they need to 'hunker down' again to avoid viruses, a group of top scientists and epidemiologists have released a detailed plan to get over the covid crisis while actually preserving lives. Also today: the economic costs

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Ron Paul Liberty Report -

America, the federal republic & America, the global empire. Two distinct Americas. The first was marked by individual liberty, sound money, free markets and a foreign policy of non-intervention. The latter is marked by dependence on government, fiat
