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Rob Braxman Tech -

Is lying on the Internet acceptable? We will discuss how our honesty is used against us by various threats like doxxers, criminals, and Big tech social media. Lying is considered a moral issue that we are all bound to reject. Do you feel guilt when y


In 2014, China announced it was moving 100 million rural farmers off of their farms (permanently) and into cities, in order to make way for industrialized farming. Bill Gates has similar thoughts on the use of agricultural land, and has already amass

Article Image By Del Bigtree

Natural health heavy-weight, Dr Joseph Mercola, pulls the curtain back on what he thinks is truly going on with "The Great Reset." Plus, his top tips on getting healthier, starting RIGHT NOW.

Article Image - Dr Mercola

Better hang on folks, as technocracy's plan to digitize you to the blockchain so you can be manipulated and controlled as a digital asset is being deployed -- just as they said they would.

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Rob Braxman Tech -

We will discuss home technology choices that impact on your privacy and security. What phones do you use? What computers and tablets? Do you do home automation? Do you use voice controlled appliances? Do have security cameras? Do you use baby monitor

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Zero Hedge

Privacy is not really that complicated of an issue, and neither is it a tinfoil hat issue. All I do is reveal what is actually happening. Not some theoretical threat. And how Big Tech players want to define our thoughts according to their idea of wha

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

Big Tech consists of Gestapo organizations that suppress the First Amendment; yet "democratic Americans" continue to support these fascist organizations.

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The Nuremberg Code (1947) gave the conditions of informed consent, "without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint of coercion." The Technocrat world is guilty on all p