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Article Image, by Dave Hodges

For Years, Ecuador defied the West, that they loathe with a passion, and provided asylum to Wikileaks' Assange. Then suddenly, Ecuador gave up Assange without cause and allowed the US military to take over one of Ecuador's islands that is now being u

Article Image, thejuicemedia

The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange's arrest and it's surprisingly honest and informative!

Article Image by Zero Hedge

Two days after the Thursday arrest of Julian Assange at Ecuador's London embassy, several government websites were hacked; including Ecuador's official website, the Central Bank of Ecuador, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ecuadorian Assembly

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

April 11, 2019, brought us a new word for Judas: Moreno--the puppet president of Ecuador who sold Julian Assange to Washington for his 30 pieces of silver.

Article Image

By Caitlin Johnstone

By the time I publish this we'll be at or around the 24-hour mark since WikiLeaks announced that two high level Ecuadorian government insiders had told them that Julian Assange faces eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy within days, which seems to

Article Image By Chris Kraul

Rafael Correa wanted to fast-track development projects when he was president of Ecuador, so he borrowed billions of dollars from China. But the loans have come back to haunt his successor, Lenin Moreno, who will go hat in hand to China this month to
