Global Edition Freedom's Phoenix -- "It's Not My Debt" Edition
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Date Sent: 2013-01-01
Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition for The New Year, 2013
Rand Paul slams 'spending bill' fiscal cliff deal -- Governor pardons 'Wilmington 10' activists

Put some nice, long, jaggedy teeth in the Bill of Rights -- MI woman released after 11 days in jail for cursing -- Senate passes 'fiscal cliff' deal, House up next -- US State Dept made 'grievous mistake' over Benghazi-Senate report -- Camera captures helicopter crash in sea in Brazil -- Police chief defends presence at bar fight -- Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? -- Beating Up on Iran and Syria -- Expose Our ICLEI Inspired Corruption & We Will Steal Your Child! -- You Are Playing In a Game With No Rules -- The World Is Entering A 5-Year Period Of Abundant Oil -- Merry Christmas and Happy Gun Control, Chicago -- Adam Lanza’s dead body to be used to criminalize innocents who have similar gene -- Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith -- Deport me? If America won't change its crazy gun laws... I may deport myself says PIERS MORGAN -- Obama hopes to enact new gun-control measures in 2013 -- Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op” -- When Priced in Gold, the US economy is at Depression-Era Levels -- Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush... -- Obama Vows To Put “Full Weight” Behind Gun Control Legislation Next Year -- Secret Human Testing Revealed in Declassified U.S. Army Documents; Lawsuit Follows -- Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting -- 12-31-12 -- Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock (MP3 & Video LOADED) -- SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, Best of 2012 (Part 3) -- “Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win” - by Howard Blitz -- Central Bankers Gone Wild -- Firearms Transaction Record -- Who Murdered Benazir Bhutto? --   We must leave Afghanistan and the Middle East immediately - by Frosty Wooldridge -- How the 'Dairy Cliff' Will Cream Consumers - by Jim Bovard

Arizona Breakfast Club next Saturday


Rand Paul slams ‘spending bill’ fiscal cliff deal News Link  •  TAXES: Federal
Rand Paul slams ‘spending bill’ fiscal cliff deal
01-01-2013  •  Politico 
“Not only are they raising taxes " maybe on a smaller percentage of people but a large amount of money " but they’re also going to spend more money,” Paul said. “So it’s a spending bill.”  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
North Carolina’s Democratic governor pardons ‘Wilmington 10′ civil rights activists News Link  •  Criminal Justice System
North Carolina’s Democratic governor pardons ‘Wilmington 10′ civil rights activists
01-01-2013  •  Rawstory 
North Carolina’s outgoing governor [waits until] pardoned on Monday the Wilmington 10, a group of civil rights activists convicted of firebombing a white-owned grocery store in a black neighborhood 40 years ago.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Put some nice, long, jaggedy teeth in the Bill of Rights News Link  •  Bill of Rights
Put some nice, long, jaggedy teeth in the Bill of Rights
01-01-2013  •  by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise) 
We are helping to promote a White House petition in favor of a Constitutional amendment that would put some nice, long, jaggedy teeth in the Bill of Rights. Believe it or not, it's even more Draconian the the clause I've been promoting for years.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
MI woman released after 11 days in jail for cursing News Link  •  Justice and Judges
MI woman released after 11 days in jail for cursing
01-01-2013  •  Rawstory 
Ford said she was cursing to herself in frustration over the process of clearing up an old traffic ticket; on her second trip to the county clerk’s office to pay the $50 fine on Dec. 18, District Court Judge Dennis Wiley ordered she be arrested and p  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Senate passes 'fiscal cliff' deal, House up next News Link  •  TAXES: Federal
Senate passes 'fiscal cliff' deal, House up next
01-01-2013  •  The Ticket 
With 2013 just over two hours old, the Senate voted 89-8 on Tuesday to approve a last-minute deal to avert income tax hikes on all but the richest Americans and stall painful spending cuts as part of a hard-fought compromise to avoid the economically  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
US State Dept made 'grievous mistake' over Benghazi-Senate report News Link  •  Libya
US State Dept made 'grievous mistake' over Benghazi-Senate report
01-01-2013  •  Reuters 
The State Department made a "grievous mistake" in keeping the U.S. mission in Benghazi open despite inadequate security and increasingly alarming threat assessments in the weeks before a deadly attack by militants, a Senate committee said on Monday.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Camera captures helicopter crash in sea in Brazil News Link  •  Unintended Consequences
Camera captures helicopter crash in sea in Brazil
01-01-2013  • 
Amateur video has captured the moment that a rescue helicopter crashed into the sea at Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro as it attempted to rescue a drowning swimmer. The helicopter's crew all survived the incident.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Prescott Valley police chief defends presence at bar fight News Link  •  Arizona's Top News
Prescott Valley police chief defends presence at bar fight
01-01-2013  •  KPHO TV-5 CBS Phoenix 
Prescott Valley police Chief Bill Fessler has broken his silence about a fight at a bar on Whiskey Row in Prescott that allegedly involved members of the police motorcycle club in which he is a member.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Powell Gammill
Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? Feature Article  •  Politics: Democratic Campaigns
Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs?
Stephen Lendman
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Beating Up on Iran and Syria Feature Article  •  WAR: About that War
Beating Up on Iran and Syria
Stephen Lendman
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Expose Our ICLEI Inspired Corruption & We Will Steal Your Child! Reference Link  •  Justice and Judges
Expose Our ICLEI Inspired Corruption & We Will Steal Your Child! 
   Stacy Lynne of Larimer County (Ft. Collins), Colorado, has been desperately alerting her community to the ICLEI form of totalitarianism which has been systematically invading her community for the past 18 years
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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You Are Playing In a Game With No Rules Reference Link  •  Treason and Sedition
You Are Playing In a Game With No Rules 
   If you were going to rob one of two homes, what would you choose? Would you choose a home that clearly has armed family members, or, would you choose the home where the best weapon in the house is a butter knife? This is the choice being made by the
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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People Are Getting Older Everywhere [Infographic] News Link  •  World News
People Are Getting Older Everywhere [Infographic]
12-31-2012  •, Marc Chandler 
While we are all familiar with the demographic shock in the high income countries. For a few years already, Japan is experiencing a shrinking work force and a shrinking population.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The World Is Entering A 5-Year Period Of Abundant Oil News Link  •  Energy
The World Is Entering A 5-Year Period Of Abundant Oil
12-31-2012  •, EconMatters 
In analyzing the last EIA report of the year it is noteworthy that gasoline stocks really rose the last 5 weeks of the year.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Merry Christmas and Happy Gun Control, Chicago News Link  •  Gun Rights
Merry Christmas and Happy Gun Control, Chicago
12-31-2012  •, Karen De Coster  
Chicago, one of America’s most Nazified, anti-gun cities, has just recorded its 500th homicide. This is another banner year for Rahm Emanuel’s tightly controlled non-gun “paradise.”  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Adam Lanza’s dead body to be used to criminalize innocents who have similar gene News Link  •  Biology, Botany and Zoology
Adam Lanza’s dead body to be used to criminalize innocents who have similar gene
12-31-2012  •, Ethan A. Huff 
Unknown sources are funneling money into new research aimed at finding the so-called “evil” gene that may have been responsible for the recent mass shooting that allegedly took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith News Link  •  Healthcare
Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith
12-31-2012  •, Terence P. Jeffrey 
...the Obama administration is claiming that the First Amendment"which expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the “free exercise” of religion"nonetheless allows it to force Christians to directly violate their religious beliefs...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Deport me? If America won't change its crazy gun laws... I may deport myself says PIERS MORGAN News Link  •  Gun Rights
Deport me? If America won't change its crazy gun laws... I may deport myself says PIERS MORGAN
12-31-2012  •, By Piers Morgan 
I have fired guns only once in my life, on a stag party to the Czech capital Prague a few years ago when part of the itinerary included a trip to an indoor shooting range.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Raising Taxes Isn't Compromise: Norquist News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Raising Taxes Isn't Compromise: Norquist
12-31-2012  •, By: Justin Menza 
As the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts draws closer, anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist repeated his call on CNBC's "Closing Bell"for spending cuts instead of tax increases to deal with the country's fiscal problems.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Obama hopes to enact new gun-control measures in 2013 News Link  •  Gun Rights
Obama hopes to enact new gun-control measures in 2013
12-31-2012  •, By Meghashyam Mali 
President Obama on Sunday said he would make gun control a priority in his new term, pledging to put his “full weight” behind passing new restrictions on firearms in 2013.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op” News Link  •  Conspiracies
Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op”
12-31-2012  •  By Jim Fetzer and Dennis Cimino 
There are obvious signs that tell the difference between genuine and fabricated event.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
When Priced in Gold, the US economy is at Depression-Era Levels News Link  •  Gold and Silver
When Priced in Gold, the US economy is at Depression-Era Levels
12-31-2012  •, by Simon Black 
As we slide into the end of yet another year in which the nominal price of gold has posted a positive return, I thought it would be interesting to take a look back on history to get a better understanding of where we are today.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush... News Link  •  Contractors, Government & Military
Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush...
12-31-2012  •, By Martin Hill  
Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush with Freemasonic “33 photo” propaganda tribute  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Obama Vows To Put “Full Weight” Behind Gun Control Legislation Next Year News Link  •  Obama Administration
Obama Vows To Put “Full Weight” Behind Gun Control Legislation Next Year
12-31-2012  •, By Daniel Politi 
Even though the fiscal cliff is the top issue in Washington these days, that doesn’t mean President Obama doesn’t have other things on his mind.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Robert Lee
Secret Human Testing Revealed in Declassified U.S. Army Documents; Lawsuit Follows News Link  •  Testing
Secret Human Testing Revealed in Declassified U.S. Army Documents; Lawsuit Follows
12-31-2012  •, Nicholas West 
It is always a challenge attempting to describe how sick and power mad are some of the elite who have taken up positions within the military-industrial-scientific complex.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting News Link  •  Self-Defense
Media Quiet About San Antonio Theater Shooting
12-31-2012  •, By Mort Amsel  
On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the CT shooting, a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his X-girlfriend. After he shot her, most of the people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater. The gunman followed them and entered t  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
From Russia With Love Feature Article  •  Gun Rights
From Russia With Love
Ernest Hancock
   "The Russian Press Pravda Message to Americans: Do not give up your guns"
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Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
12-31-12 -- Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock (MP3 & Video LOADED)
   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock radio show - Freedom's Phoenix Headline News... More About Gun Control and Sandy Hook
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SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, Best of 2012 (Part 3) Opinion  •  Humor
SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News
SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, Best of 2012 (Part 3)
John Semmens
   Dems Scramble to Explain Obama Debate Defeat Going into this week's first presidential debate Democrats were confident that the most brilliant man to ever hold the office would easily trounce his challenger. However, 67% of voters who saw the deba
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Today on - Monday December 31st 2012 News Link  •  Gun Rights
Today on - Monday December 31st 2012
12-31-2012  • 
The Right Sets Up a Police State - The left wants to disarm the people. by Paul Craig Roberts / Peeping Sam / May I Shine Your Shoes, Mr. Koch? / Gear for Your Guns / What's in Your Toolbox?, 14 must-haves no matter what's ahead  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
The Gatekeepers: Exposing Israel's Dark Side Feature Article  •  Israel
The Gatekeepers: Exposing Israel's Dark Side
Stephen Lendman
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“Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win” Opinion  •  General Opinion
“Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win”
Howard Blitz
   Today, Americans face a similar challenge and requires no less the determination of a Lombardi, Edison, Morse, Paine or the many women inventors of the past and present. Excessive government taxation and spending, inflation, and government initiated
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Central Bankers Gone Wild News Link  •  Economy - International
Central Bankers Gone Wild
12-31-2012  •  arclein 
The jargon is no different in Brussels, London, Tokyo, Beijing or other places around the world where pinstriped policymakers congregate and pontificate. But sometimes even central bankers can be perfectly clear. They can also, apparently, be surpr  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Space Plants News Link  •  Space Travel and Exploration
Space Plants
12-31-2012  •  arclein 
ation sprouted roots that behaved like they would on Earth"growing away from the seed to seek nutrients and water in exactly the same pattern observed with gravity. (Related: "Beyond Gravity.")   Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Vampire Pterosaurs News Link  •  Archaeology
Vampire Pterosaurs
12-31-2012  •  arclein 
In the 2003 article The Chinese vampire and other overlooked pterosaur ptreasures published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, David Peters observed a couple of unusual features in Jeholopterus separating it from the average Jur  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Record Numbers of Raptors News Link  •  Environment
Record Numbers of Raptors
12-31-2012  •  arclein 
The conversion of traditional farmland to blueberry production also eliminates habitat in which the raptors might otherwise find prey, Day said. Agricultural pesticides " a poisoning risk " are also an issue. Formed 37 years ago, OWL (  Read Full Story
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Reported by: robert klein
Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla News Link  •  Techno Gadgets
Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla
12-31-2012  • 
The first demonstration of an apparatus for radio transmission and reception was conducted by Tesla in 1893 during a presentation in St. Louis before the National Electric Light Association.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
We Stand As One! Contact Congress on Guns News Link  •  Gun Rights
We Stand As One! Contact Congress on Guns " Email Your Contacts!
12-31-2012  •  Guns America 
This week the media is trying to convince us that support for Senator Feinstein’s anti-gun legislation is weak, but if we are not PRO-ACTIVE, the legislation will pass as written.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Firearms Transaction Record News Link  •  Gun Rights
Firearms Transaction Record
12-31-2012  •  ATF.Gov 
WARNING: You may not receive a firearm if prohibited by Federal or State law. The information you provide will be used to determine whether you are prohibited under law from receiving a firearm. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act...are punisha  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Who Murdered Benazir Bhutto? News Link  •  Conspiracies
Who Murdered Benazir Bhutto?
12-31-2012  • Margolis 
By the time her season's greeting card and a handwritten note arrived in my office, my old friend Benazir Bhutto was already dead. The card mailed in Pakistan days before her murder, remains on my desk to this today, a touching last link from this re  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Agenda Prevails Over Truth News Link  •  Philosophy: Conservatism
Agenda Prevails Over Truth
12-31-2012  • Craig Roberts 
Agenda is all important, because it is the way Washington achieves hegemony over the world and the American people. 9/11 was the “new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives declared to be necessary for their planned wars against Muslim countries.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Female Trooper Who Pulled Over Speeding Cop 'Fears For Her Life' News Link  •  Police State
Female Trooper Who Pulled Over Speeding Cop 'Fears For Her Life'
12-31-2012  •  Information Liberation 
The female highway patrol trooper who made headlines for pulling over and arresting a speeding cop says she fears for her life as a result of stalking and harassment from fellow police officers.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
We must leave Afghanistan and the Middle East immediately Opinion  •  Politics: General Activism
We must leave Afghanistan and the Middle East immediately
Frosty Wooldridge
   For all the wasted lives of the Afghanistan War, isn’t it about time we pick up and leave that God-forsaken Islamic crazy place? We haven’t accomplished anything in 10 years"why spend another two years wasting money, lives and resources?
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Evidence of multiple shooters at Aurora Theater massacre covered up News Link  •  Gun Rights
Evidence of multiple shooters at Aurora Theater massacre covered up
12-31-2012  • 
Notice at the end of Kelley’s article that Holmes’ court records were sealed. What I conclude from this is that the evidence collected by police directly contradicts the lone gunman narrative. This would mean that here too a cover-up has taken place,  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
How the 'Dairy Cliff' Will Cream Consumers Feature Article  •  Economy - Economics USA
How the 'Dairy Cliff' Will Cream Consumers
Jim Bovard
   Got milk? Enjoy the price you paid, because federal policy, reaching its sell-by date, will have dire results.
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Responsible Fiscal Cliff Resolution Feature Article  •  Philosophy: Fascism
Responsible Fiscal Cliff Resolution
Stephen Lendman
   class war
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Rare Israeli Justice Feature Article  •  Israel
Rare Israeli Justice
Stephen Lendman
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Absolute Proof Sandy Hook was Staged News Link  •  Government
Absolute Proof Sandy Hook was Staged
12-30-2012  •  YouTube Art Olivier 
Although she does not appear in any of the class photos, the media claims that 6-year-old Emilie Parker on the right was shot in the Sandy Hook massacre  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Opinion  •  Gun Rights
Buy Guns While You Still Can: A series of educational articles for people new to the gun scene
Chip Saunders
   You have supported in principle the idea that people should be free to own guns, but have yourself not felt the need to do so,...until now. And you have questions. This series will seek to answer them. Part 1
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Buy Guns While You Still Can - PART 2: Assessing Your Needs/Risks/Threats Opinion  •  Gun Rights
Buy Guns While You Still Can - PART 2: Assessing Your Needs/Risks/Threats
Chip Saunders
   To know WHAT to buy, know WHY to buy. What risk are you anticipating protecting against?
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Buy Guns While You Still Can - PART 3: Assault Rifles (the endangered species) Opinion  •  Gun Rights
Buy Guns While You Still Can - PART 3: Assault Rifles (the endangered species)
Chip Saunders
   What are assault weapons? How did they get here? What are they capable of? Should you get one? What are your options?
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The Reasons Why Ex-Intel and Bankers Are Going Into Seclusion- Pt 2 Reference Link  •  Conspiracies
The Reasons Why Ex-Intel and Bankers Are Going Into Seclusion- Pt 2  
   The NDAA allows the government to play Gestapo with the population. In fact, many of us in alternative media have been fearful of the NDAA because we are concerned that it will be used against us if we ever uncover a story which is too sensitive, and
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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Congress Extends Warrantless Spying Feature Article  •  Police State
Congress Extends Warrantless Spying
Stephen Lendman
   police state
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Food forest: Is this the way food should be grown? (Video) News Link  •  Environment
Food forest: Is this the way food should be grown? (Video)
12-30-2012  • 
This inspiring video is from permaculture expert Geoff Lawton’s farm in Australia. He shows how it’s done. This is a vision of a sane future for humans and food production which protects the environment. Highly recommended.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chris Menke
Team BlackSheep | USA Highlights (Publisher Recommended!) Feature Article  •  Surveillance
Team BlackSheep | USA Highlights (Publisher Recommended!)
Ernest Hancock
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Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima News Link  •  Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation
Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima
12-29-2012  •  Zero Hedge 
Unfortunately, as the following recent headlines from Ene News show, things are only getting worse...  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Donna Hancock
Fed Siege On Another Family Farm News Link  •  Property Rights
Fed Siege On Another Family Farm
12-29-2012  • 
The assault by government agencies against another family farm, which in this case has been ongoing for quite some time. Sadly this is not that uncommon in our time with over regulation, government power and land grabs while pushing policies such as  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chris Menke
Drone Video (just a taste of what's already here) Feature Article  •  Inventions
Drone Video (just a taste of what's already here)
Ernest Hancock
   (VIDEO & Links) - Imagine HD Video inches from the nose of the Statue of Liberty
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No Guns for Negroes News Link  •  Gun Rights
No Guns for Negroes
12-29-2012  • 
(Part 1 & 2 of 2 part VIDEO) - Gun Control Background  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
Attack of the Drones - USA -&- Rise of the Machines News Link  •  Police State
Attack of the Drones - USA -&- Rise of the Machines
12-29-2012  •  journeymanpictures 
They can move together in swarms, build towers, dance, throw and catch, assess targets and soon will even make their own decisions. Both in war and at home, drones are developing fast and gaining control.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Ernest Hancock
RFID Chips To Be Used In 2016 Election? News Link  •  World News
RFID Chips To Be Used In 2016 Election?
12-29-2012  • 
We all know, or should know, of the evils, health hazards and invasion of personal privacy posed when RFID technology is considered as a tracking and data warehousing method considered for humans, pets or livestock in general. The documentation of t  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Chris Menke
Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding Reference Link  •  Martial Law
Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding " Part One 
   When ex-intel retire en masse, it is not necessarily a noteworthy event. However, when the same officials retire en masse and then relocate to form their own survivalist enclaves, then this is something to take note of.
Entered by: Dave Hodges
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The Republican Party Is Self-Destructing Before Our Eyes News Link  •  Political Parties
The Republican Party Is Self-Destructing Before Our Eyes
12-29-2012  •  Business Insider 
THE collapse of John Boehner's "Plan B" reveals the Republican Party to be in a politically disastrous position.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
The LAPD Bought Back 'Rocket Launchers' That Literally Do Nothing News Link  •  Misinformation
The LAPD Bought Back 'Rocket Launchers' That Literally Do Nothing
12-29-2012  •  Business Insider 
When I saw “Rocket Launchers Turned in During LAPD Gun Buyback” flash across my twitter stream Thursday I had to check it out.  Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Here's Are My Views On Spending Cuts, Entitlements, And Dealing With The Deficit News Link  •  Economy - Economics USA
Here's Are My Views On Spending Cuts, Entitlements, And Dealing With The Deficit
12-29-2012  •  Business Insider 
A number of folks in recent weeks have question or criticized my views, both here at OTE and on TV, regarding endorsing spending cuts, including some targeted at the social insurance programs Medicare and Social Security.   Read Full Story
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Reported by: Freedomsphoenix Readerfour
Tags: freedoms, phoenix, archives, politics, libertarian, alternative, government, freedom


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