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RON PAUL 4409 -- Smokey & the Sign Bandits part 2 [ Burges gets served ]

Written by Subject: Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings
Bob Burges gets Served but we get served in the process....damn the luck.

We drove from Mesa to SunCity to Skull Valley and back to Mesa friday night and got back around 2AM.

We served this man because he kicked the PC's out of a district meeting where they were having a vote to elect state committee men. 

When he seen that he was losing and found a way to cancel the meeting then ran out and refused to answer his phone.

The letters were to inform him that he abandoned his duty as a district chairman in that district on Nov, 17 2008. This is why the man was voted out.
Please call him and ask him to schedule a meeting at 623-214-3725