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Comment by William1950
Entered on:

 Civilian populations......this suggests that the non-combatant is not equal in blame for the attacks on neighboring countries as those who are shooting.....

Lets change this idea a bit and suggest the fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters were against the attacks and at a very young age of every child they taught him the way to peace is threw peace not shooting and making an enemy out of your neighbor...but this does not happen in the world..hate is learned at home and at a very young age also the masses who could make a real change are nothing but supporters..

Yes any war is dangerous to people, that is why people don't like war, except in the Arab nations it would seem....

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Hi there William, since you respond to my post, I'll try and reply to yours point-by-point;

"Civilian populations......this suggests that the non-combatant is not equal in blame for the attacks on neighboring countries as those who are shooting....."

Indeed, I would suggest and urge that civilian non-combatants not be considered the same as uniformed troops in the field. As regards a counter-insurgency the lines blur for both sides considerably. I could make other comparisons but don't want to draw you off topic.

"Lets change this idea a bit"

Good idea. You are on really shaky ethical territory already.

"...and suggest the fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters were against the attacks and at a very young age of every child they taught him the way to peace is threw peace not shooting and making an enemy out of your neighbor..."

OK, which fathers, mothers and him are we talking about? The Palestinian or the Israeli? Both scenarios offer the same level of dissonance in your example.

"but this does not happen in the world.."

I guess there are others.

"hate is learned at home and at a very young age"

Hate can be learned anyplace and at any age. That which is learned can be replaced by new knowledge. It is written "in light, there can be no darkness".

"also the masses who could make a real change are nothing but supporters.."

Perhaps you need to explain your definition of masses.

"Yes any war is dangerous to people, that is why people don't like war, except in the Arab nations it would seem...."

It certainly would seem they fight us back when we attack them. Allow me to define some of my definitions in this paragraph. By 'us' I mean everybody but the people who's lives got interrupted by Western Europe's desire to deal with the 'Jewish issue' and 'them' as everybody on the shit-end of that stick.

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