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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

I don't know about them Mexicans being so bad, but 300K Muslims in Detroit, that's bad. A religion whose founder claimed to get his revelations from a dark cave sans mics and cameras, then proceeded to marry a 6-y.-o. girl and do it with her at age 9 because he couldn't wait for her first period can't be a good example for them, can it?

The main reason the West is forgetting 1400 years of history and allowing Muslims to move on in is that they are history ignoramuses when it comes to Islam. Muslim children are trained to be history ignoramuses from birth, force-fed with the fairy tale version, but in the Internet Age, you Westerners don't have to be, as I just happen to have complete a nifty Quick History of Islam for History Ignoramuses to bring you up to speed fast and accurately, with links so you can check my facts and go deeper. Try it and tell your friends, I'm giving it for free in memory of Old Detroit.


Comment by wannabekira
Entered on:

My family lived in various suburbs of Detroit until just afer my 10th birthday, when my father dragged us down to Florida (November 1963).  I'm sorry to read articles and peruse websites which document just how far down Detroit has come.  Seeing the pictures of abandoned and dilapidated buildings almost brings me to tears. 

Minorities having their way with the city has been a big factor in the demise of a once-great city... the influx of Muslims bodes ill for not only Detroit, but for our nation. 

As a Jewish American woman, I am certainly not eager to trade one "no-go zone" for another. 

In Los Angeles, I once got mugged by two blacks who claimed they didn't care if they killed me because I'm white.  I'm certainly not happy about the prospect of Muslims deciding it's okay to kill me because I'm an American and a Jew.


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