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Comments in Response

Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

 The version of this article I first uploaded got somehow cut up and butchered, so it was an incomplete read. I have since restored the full text. Sorry for the poor quality you may have first experienced.

Comment by Chris Ralph
Entered on:

This article is blatant plagiarism, copying an article I wrote for the ICMJ Prospecting and Mining Journal, which was published in December 2009.

Mr. Saunders is apparently a copy and paste artist with no talent of his own, who steals from others and gives no credit. Shame on you! This article is copyright infringement, and should be promptly removed. A complaint has been made to the management.

Chris Ralph - Author of the ariginal article.

Comment by Chris Ralph
Entered on:

An apology is not sufficient, nor is a mention of my name. The magazine in which this article appeared paid several hundred dollars to print my work. An apology does not allow you to use my work for free. You are clearly breaking copyright law and the fact that your authors and editors do not understand this show this to be a cheap, amateur, two-bit publication.

I demand that you delete all of the text that is mine (about 75% of the article) or pay me $300 for the right to use my article.

Chris Ralph, Original author of the work plagiarized by this publication

Comment by Chris Ralph
Entered on:


This is a formal notice of Infringement as authorized in § 512(c) of the U.S. Copyright Law under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). 

This article is an unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted material originally found at:  []

Please remove this article immediately or I will file an official complaint with the U.S. Copyright Office, FeedBurner and Google, Inc.  Google’s response may include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity and/or terminating subscribers. I will also contact your advertisers and notify them that your site is violating copyright law, and file a DCMA complaint with them as well.

Thank you,
Chris Ralph

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:


gold rush not only in northeast but in north in nahr alneel ( nile rever ) state neer atbra city is big gold rush because many men find gold alot of gold . the gpx 4500 price in north sudan between 25000$ to 35000$ because metal detector is forbidden in sudan but not in nahr alneel state and my friends find gold in 100000$ to 150000 for each any one need more info just mail me . every one sudan now what gpx4500 do ..........
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