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Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Yeah hey, while we're on the topic, why is Oyate the only one that posts around here? Arizona is supposed to be pre-eminent. We are the world's greatest activists. And Ernie and Powell put a lot of work into this shiznet. You don't like what I have to say? Fine. Say something different

Hey, you can tell I'm a left-leaner, a Native American. I have distinct viewpoints. But do you think I own these boards? Hey, I am here by the sufferance of Ernie and Powell. And do you think this is because they like me?

Honeys, Jet Lacey himself does not return my phone calls. Hey, these people don't even like me. But does this mean you can't chat it up? Hey. HEY chat it up! Come on you silly little twits, do you think I'm the only one with an opinion around here? If this keeps up, everybody will think we are just native Americans around here. And I am totally uncomfortable with that. Because you know why?

Being a native sucks enough already. And I don't want to have an opinion unless you guys do too. I'm sick of having my own opinion, I want yours. Because my people think they know the truth but it hasn't changed for like, oh, 5000 years or so.We need an invigoration. Because THE TRUTH IS NOT STATIC. IT MORPHS AND CHANGES WITH US.


So in a very literal sense, YOU ARE THE TRUTH. And I look for it but I cannot find it and I know the reason why.


You are keeping the truth to youselves. And I know why. Because you are afraid.


OK, I understand that. My people survived a genocide. We know all about fear. and you are correct to fear this.When "they" came, the killed us all.They killed our children, they killed our mothers and our sisters and our aunts and uncles. It was freaking horrible but you did not.


and time is compressed to us so we see everything as though it was yesterday so in our view, you are killers. But I choose not to. I am Oyate and I come to free you. From time.

So I say you are NOT the ones who killed my grandmothers and my sisters and my uncles and my cousins. You had nothing to do with it. Because time to you is serial. Time does not work for us like that. To us, time is circular so the same bad thing keeps happening to us again and again. And we never stop huring.


It's a massive failure on our part and that is why you have never and you will never see an indian politician.

But good news! You can. I don't know how or why but I think it has to do with how you see time as serial. Which means you can get over it. But we know we are right. We are so right that we can withstand a genocide. And look where it got us. Dead. That is where it got us. I come to you as a memory of something you forgot. My people are dead. We  are wasted. Yesterday's garbage. But you can be joyful. And you should be. You are the Wasi. This is your day. And you might as well be happy because nobody else is. Us natives are pretty much miserable.  But youdon't have to be. Somebody around here has to be happy.

So you do Wasi. Be happy. Just do it. Live it, be it. And you deserve it because of who you are. because of the way you see time. You do not hate me do you? Ok that is because of the way you see time. You are free from this. You are not the ones who committed genocide against my people. But because my people see time as circular, we blame you. And this is our fault, not yours.

And I will say this.

I forgive you. Like you even needed it because to your time you did nothing wrong. OK, ohan, how about I tell you that I forgive you and I love you. And you can say "what did I do to have this greasy haired indian loving on me all the sudden?"


Wells it just happened like that. I am from an old order that has died. My people are dead and gone, But it does not mean that we do not love you.


Comment by Cronus de Gaia
Entered on:

Hey Melinda,

I much enjoyed your article on the LP history. I found it very validating of my own observations.

Here is an article that includes a specific methodology for creating ethical non-hierarchic organizations: I hope you find it thought-provoking.

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