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The International Libertarian

The incident with a Seattle Police Officer punching a 17-year-old woman in the face has caused much controversy. I commend the young women involved for their courage in standing up to legal plunder.

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Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Cross the street, get punched in the face!

Do the crime, do the time!

I was only following orders!

The courts have ruled that punching young girls in the face that do not repent of their evil street crossing ways is perfectly legal!

Without officers like these keeping the peace in this manner we would have anarchy and everybody knows that anarchy is chaos, like in The Road Warrior!

This isn't the Thunderdome, you can just look both ways and cross the street wherever you want and not expect to get jacked in the face by a "peace officer"!

They are here to protect and serve!

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Looking for violent criminals is too dangerous for police, they could get hurt doing that!  Then who would keep every body walking correctly on the sidewalk?  Who would make sure that everybody had fishing licences?  Who would make sure that we all wore seat belts when we are driving, helmets when we are riding?

What about the tags on mattresses?

Will someone please think of the children!!!


Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

I'll stick by my original interpretation: the film opens with two women attacking an officer. Protestations that "it's only jaywalking" fall hollow on my ears because it's pretty much accepted that children en route to school are "en loco parentis" which means we all have a burden and responsibility in our society to look out for children.

Which in this case might be viewed as "you do not, youngster, have a right to kill yourself on the way to school".

I know, it's horrible and monopolistic and usurpatory and violative, but such do we hold as a society in much the same way as we hold that we do not have a right to run young people over in traffic no matter how stupidly they behave. And be thankful for this.

Because if I had my way, my true heart's desire, I would zoom around in a turbocharged 18 wheeler with these massive turbo-props cum meat grinders and I would seek out masses of humans and barrel-ass through them and the whole thing would process them into sausages and toss them back into the reefer rig. It might sound like an award winning business concept like my other ideas but this one I would do just for fun. And after a hard day's work making tomorrow's food out of today's sentient beings, I can come home and gather your shivvering, traumatized asses into my arms and say "don't worry kitans, daddy won't eat you today".

My personal culinary tastes aside, I must err on favour of the cop here. I myself might have "neutralized" both of the gals. It wasn't a good tactical situation for the cop. And not just as a cop, anyone who bears that kind of weaponry is responsible to keep it and keep it out of people that might use your weapons to do harm. With the right to defend comes the responsibility to do so.


Oyate finds in favour of cop. BUZZ!

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

Bro needs to spend a week in a cop's shoes. Most cops are not the enemy. Most of us either would not or could not do their work, but we will call 911 to have our asses saved by them, now and again. Dirty and violent cops need to be dealt with, sure. Sometimes the corruption goes right up the chain, esp. in large cities, sure. I grant you all of this. But this particular cop was a model of restraint in the face of a potentially explosive situation. Personally, every time we recruit a cop or a soldier to our way of thinking, we've accomplished as much as attracting ten civilians. It's job #1. That's why OathKeepers is so incredibly important. I think Bro and his ilk believe in a "guilty until proven innocent" standard for our brothers and sisters who happen to be in uniform.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Oyate you are seeing things?  The video begins with a dirty pig squeezing a 17 year old girl by her neck.  Where did the girls "attack" the officer?  They crossed the street in violation of some stupid, ridiculous law/code and instead of being a reasonable heterosexual man and look the other way perhaps for a real crime in progress, the pig chose to make a scene simply because he could and play surrogate pedo-dad and molest a 17 year old girl over jaywalking!  Her friend did what any good friend would do when witnessing a pig on a powertrip, hurting her friend.  It's very obvious they were completely bewildered as to why he was being so aggressive (as I would be).  Put yourself in their shoes, imagine you are a young black girl, and I'm not trying to pull the race card here, I don't think the pigs attack was racially motivated, just sadist related, and you merely cross the street, and all of a sudden a big angry white piggy is manhandling you for what at the moment may appear to be for no reason.  It doesn't take much of a leap to panic and think you are being assaulted/molested by some pervert.

Her friend was clearly not out to hurt the pig, she was just trying to break up the altercation out of concern for her friend, to imply that she was trying to hurt him is dishonest.

I'm afraid to think of how this would have gone down in my presence...

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

As far as I'm concearned pigs are the lowest form of life on this earth, period.  They are the teeth and claws of a violent criminal gang known as the US Government, so I do not need to spend a week in a pig's shoes.

I do everything in my power to avoid them, and if I ever call them, it is so I can give them the first story and cover my rear in the event of some unfortunate incident. I also am not allowed to legally protect myself without notifying them afterwards.

Oath Keepers is a nice gesture, but these "people" have already picked sides when they joined the force, any decent human being would either quit, or be forced out. 

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

Bro what video are you watching?

Turn off the s&m stuff and watch the news video the jaywalkers started this whole problem

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

I'm watching this video right here:

Now if there is some footage that I'm not aware of that shows these girls doing anything agressive beyond resisting arrest please show me?  Resisting someone who is assaulting you is not attacking them.

As far as I'm concerned, even if a pig has every "right" under the "law" to arrest or ticket someone for jaywalking , if they decide to go and enforce such an obscene law, they deserve to get shot in the face.  Look at the street where this took place:,+Seattle,+King,+Washington+98144&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=Fez01QId6ea1-A&split=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=Martin+Luther+King+Jr+Way+S+%26+Rainier+Ave,+Seattle,+King,+Washington+98144&ll=47.575704,-122.296369&spn=0.001325,0.004128&t=k&z=19&layer=c&cbll=47.575565,-122.29668&panoid=bMxdauaodU7iD_mkI4pl1w&cbp=12,2.98,,0,4.36

I don't see anything wrong with someone crossing the street there, it's not a freeway, if you look both ways and don't jump in front of a car or anything, what's the problem?

If there was any justice in this country that girl would have pulled out a gun, shot the pig in the face the second he said Jay... and went on about her life and we would have all been better off without that scumbag in the world.  But instead, idiot Americans support a system of legalized extortion that does absolutely nothing but feed a bunch of worthless, functionary parasites so they can punch, taze, etc us because we don't bow down and kiss their big toe simply because they have a badge on.


Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Burn every one of them at the stake for all I care, they chose a life of crime for themselves, not me.

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

Bro says: "As far as I'm concearned pigs are the lowest form of life on this earth, period."

I rest my case. Bro, you are seriously stuck in some hardcore dualistic thinking. And you're full of hate. Where's the love, Bro? I'll tell you where: the NWO just luuuuuuuuuuuuuuvs guys like you. You make their job sooooooooooo easy. Personally, I'm not for standing by while they turn the cops on us and us on the cops. I jest aynt thet stoopad.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Yeah well you must have a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome if you have any respect for pigs whatsoever.  I have never had a problem with crime I couldn't handle myself, and could do a lot better job of it myself if they didn't get in my way.  I have no fear whatsoever of any criminal outside of the ones running around with badges and my money.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

One last thing.

I am full of hate!

Hatred for the people that abuse and extort myself and the people I love.

Comment by Concerned Patriot
Entered on:

@Die Daily

My G~d it makes sense!

Bro is A SPY for the NWO at that.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

They punch you because they love you!

Comment by Darren Wolfe
Entered on:

Thank you all for the comments.

As the author of the article I support Bro 100%. It is Stockholm  Syndrome to identify with the cops. They are financed with stolen money & are part of a monopoly that is forced on us.

The girls were only trying to ignore the cop, to walk away. He was going after one of them. As I state in the article Seattle is running a jaywalking extortion racket to raise revenue. Everyone knows this. They used to have jaywalk jackboots. "The jaywalk jackboots — traffic cops who once ticketed Seattle walkers into a cowering, and often pointless, obedience — are back." http://seattletimes.nwsour 305511_danny15.html

About OathKeepers, they should all quit. You can't do good from inside an evil organization:

Oaths, War, And Liberty

Comment by Curtis Scott
Entered on:

You know -- if JAYWALKING is the issue ... a group of citizens armed with some stencils & spraypaint can build a lot of cross-walks anywhere they choose to on some dark moonless night! THAT would be hilarious!

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