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Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article

located at .

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government,

Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article /BORG -  the Robot We Call Government

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government, I invite your readers to the article .

Comment by Bob Podolsky
Entered on:

Nice article, Barry. Yet I'm not quite sure you've made the most important point: that the real problem isn't politics or politicians - but rather the nature of government itself.

A government (of any stripe) is a power-brokerage cartel - it's sole purposes being to maximize its members' power over others, and to maintain its members' collective monopoly on the industry of power-brokerage. As such, it cannot be overcome from within. For a brief explanation of how government protects itself from significant alteration, I invite your readers to read the article /BORG -  the Robot We Call Government

For a more comprehensive analysis of the nature of government, and an explanation of a potential alternative to government, I invite your readers to read the article Ethics, Law, & Government.

Comment by Olde Reb
Entered on:

 If the tea party was a-political, they would challenge the scam at the Federal Reserve.  They will not.  The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme destined for inherent national bankruptcy.

The FRBNY handled $8.4 trillion from T-auctions last year and hid the profit from Congress. Is that embezzlement? Ref. or   ,


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