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Comment by WannaB Free
Entered on:

The Constitution reads pretty plain.  I like to think that it is an inspired document.   Notice it says Treaties made "under the authority of the United States".  People forget that the Bill of Rights has a preamble.  According to that preamble, the first ten amendments are "declaratory and restrictive clauses".   If they are restrictive, then wouldn't it follow that it limits or restricts the 'authority' of the United States?   The Constitution is quite a document.   Pull up an old Law  dictionary online like Bouvier and sit down and read itr and use the period definitions to understand the words.   A Websters *Unabridged* dictionary is also helpful.  That is an interesting word "Abridged"  Remember!  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or *abridging* the freedom of speech, or of the press...  

*emphasis mine


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

It is my understanding that we are in state of unending "war" which means that our constitution does not apply and we are in Maritime/Admiralty law (oil rig law of the sea)... Basically we are under the Crown rule.  In fact, you might want to research how the american Bar Association serves the Queen and the Patriot Act served the Brittish desires for Mother bank rule.  If you have money, you can buy any law that you want.  If you are a warmonger druglord, which the royals are, annointed by the Vatican, then there you go.  There is your reason why the Mormons are so into bloodlines.  We are headed for a three teired caste system in the New World Order.  

The men in the church withhold this information from their wives, that they are racketeering there way to a caste system that will bring polygamy back to the united states.  The pretend to not approve, but they are campaigning for it through Sister Wives the TV show and they are also pushing for approval of Gays to keep their Non-profit privileges and so that they can remain in-auditable for their crimes.  They do not believe in Jesus as a man other than metaphorically.  They understand covertly that Freemasonry is the maker of False religions to turn men in to Gods like Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.  They are GOD.  Jesus, their creation to them is Son of God.  So...  As a masonic sect, they teach in a metaphor, Jesus is something that they use to manipulate with emotion.  I hate the thought that something so depressing is true, but this was confirmed today at Wildflower Tempe sitting next to an Arrogant pasty white and fat Mormon man and his buddy, a more contrite Church of Christ, the reformed Mormon church.

They better hope that the women don't catch wind of what they are doing behind their backs!  But it goes to show why there is so much pornography and adultry in the church, particularly at the higher levels.  As man Gods who will have thousands of wives one day, sex slavery is okay and rampant in the church.  And the women are completely immune to this fact.  They are isolated in the church environs and live a lie.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Ernie sees fit to remove my name and hide my identity, so here to say that this is Kim Dyer again and the comment for this article below IS MINE. I guess I am a treat, eh?

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

The author is barking crazy at the wrong tree.

Greg J. Dixon is off his rocker talking nonsense. His protests against the arrests and imprisonment of those law violators in the practice of their religion are IRRELEVANT. He wasted so much space reciting the freedom of religion in the U.S. Constitution and the Charter of the United Nations [Assembly Resolution for the protection of religious beliefs and practices] that protect Pastors and their Churches.

Those church felons were not arrested because they violate the Constitution and the United Nations’ practice of Religion. They are free to practice their religion. But that was not the issue which Dixon wasted so much time and space barking at, like a stray dog.

What they are PROHIBITED by law and therefore are NOT free to do in the practice of their religion, is to violate the law and regulations applicable to Churches that they are supposed to comply.

In the case of Michael Salman who served 60 days in jail, he stubbornly and blatant refused to comply with the building, zoning, fire and safety codes of Phoenix, Arizona that were applicable to Churches.

In the case of David and Mary Jones Dixon mentioned, they were WARNED "for hosting a weekly Bible study in their home without a permit for religious assembly" required by existing law and regulations; the same with Joe Sutherland of Gilbert, Arizona for violating the city’s zoning code.

Freedom Baptist Temple in Deland, Florida wanted to own and manage a congregation without complying with the legal requirements of running a Church including its refusal to build an "access road" to the Church claiming that they do not have to do that because the cost is prohibitive.

Notice that there are violations of laws, rules and regulations to protect the public, specifically the faithful or followers of the Church. Those laws, rules and regulations applicable to Church complement, facilitate and promote the practice of religious beliefs and freedom of religion ordained in the Constitution and the United Nations Charter – not against.

You are talking in the wind and punching the Moon when you vent your rage against the States of Arizona and Florida and their State enforcement officers for arresting those violators or culprits in the practice of religion.

And you are definitely wasting your saliva talking about the Constitution and the United Nations when these are NOT applicable and/or IRRELEVANT in this case, to say the least!

This is the exemplary problem of anti-State Libertarians in extremis who raise their ax of protest and drop it on the neck of the Government they hate so to speak, even though in doing this makes them look stupid as it obviously looks dim-witted in this Dixon’s case of intellectual atrophy.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

I fully agree with JV. Good work! But you are dealing with blind Libertarians like Dixon. They cannot see what is right or wrong. You are wrong if you see what they do not want you to see. Dixon does not want to see what those pastors had violated. He only wanted to see their arrest and incarceration as a form of police thuggery ... I have enough of those foolish religious propagandists who do not know what they are doing! And I am tired of letting them insult my inteliigence all these years!

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