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Comment by Don Duncan
Entered on:
Excellent advice. I read blogs where people get bogged down debating endless details for freedom strategies. The details vary with the individual. What matters is taking action. Once resistance is undertaken it is addictive. Some want to debate the practicality of resistance in detail, on and on, as if a consensus will somehow be reached that will allow previously inactive slaves to become freer. What they fail to understand is that the moment the first act of defiance is taken the actor become free. Freedom is a state of mind created and strengthened by action. I have entered into endless debate only to finally realize that the person's "what ifs" are merely an attempt to justify inaction while maintaining the illusion that freedom is the goal. They cannot face their fear of taking responsibility for their lives. They are paralyzed by fear/inaction. So they avoid the uncomfortable uncertainty of new decisions. They maintain the status quo telling themselves that this is the safest choice. When this backfires, they deny responsibility as in: "How could I know?" It is/was their responsibility to know. Doing nothing or doing what you're told is your decision, and you have to live with it. No supernatural power is going to give you a pass for willful ignorance or obeying orders.


Comment by Anon Commenter
Entered on:

"What to do and how to do it are for YOU to decide."  Yes, but it helps, for those who don't have the knowledge base (to understand, that FOREIGN CENTRAL BANKERS HAVE TAKEN OVER THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, via the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA) to have a "blueprint" of solutions, to draw from...

Yes, the individual must ultimately decide how to act.  You see, knowledge, alone, is NOT power.  Knowledge + action = POWER.  You must first acquire the knowledge, and then, once you understand the truth of that knowledge, you must ACT upon it, in order to (EM) POWER yourself.

A question every individual must ask him or herself:

Question: Am I part of the collectivist problem, or part of the SOLUTION?

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS (to the collectivist problems) TO CONSIDER:

1) Invest in precious metals, primarily SILVER (& gold, platinum) bullion. This will ultimately bring the END of the silver manipulation by JP Morgue, and COULD save you, financially.
2) BUY USED – at Thrift, Consignment, or Second-hand stores – it keeps your $$, in the LOCAL economy. If you buy online, use, and buy from a seller that ships within the US – it keeps your $$ in the USA.
3) BUY MADE IN USA – when buying NEW items. It keeps more AMERICANS employed, at a time, when MORE AMERICANS than EVER, are UNEMPLOYED, and NEED work.
4) Buy ORGANIC food! Support your local Organic food store or Co-op! Whole,
organically-grown foods are best. NO GMO’s! LOCALLY-sourced, is ideal. Support local.
5) Take a high-quality daily multi-vitamin (here are just a couple examples):
7) Get out, and/or stay out, of DEBT!
8) USE CASH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Avoid using credit & debit cards.
9) Bank at a local credit union! Why bank at a TBTF (“Too-Big-To-Fail”) Bank, such as those that received a CRONY BANKER BAILOUT (from the “Fed”) in late 2008, which Obama authorized with his signature?
10) VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS! (What do you support, with your time, money, attention, & energy?)
11) Contact your “Representatives” on critical issues: such as “END THE FED!”
12) Re-read the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t about hunting! It’s about government tyranny, and protecting yourself from it.
13) THINK for yourself. Turn off the TV. READ. Exercise the brain muscle. Read THE GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY, AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky:; Read TRAGEDY AND HOPE, by Prof. Carroll Quigley:; Read THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND, by G. Edward Griffin:
14) QUESTION all ‘authority’ (Big Banks/Oil/Weapons/Drugs/CFR/CIA Business + Big Government + Big Religion + Big Media, Big Pharma, etc.)
15) Pray or meditate – reduce your stress! (Stress weakens the auto-immune system, opening up the body to free radical attack). Check out for a wide array of health-related articles – top notch!
16) Listen to soothing classical, jazz, ambient or other music you thoroughly enjoy!
17) Next Spring – start your own garden using NON-GMO, non-hybrid seeds!
18) BOYCOTT – learn this concept well, and EMPLOY IT – against those 1) enslaving, or 2) poisoning you!
19) PEACE IS the way. Don’t be cannon-fodder for the International Central Bankers’ N.W.O.
20) Quit your “TBTF” Bank/Corporate or Government job, (especially if it is HIGHLY STRESSFUL, and isn’t producing anything of ANY VALUE TO ANYONE) and do something more CONSTRUCTIVE, PRODUCTIVE, and fulfilling.

There – now you have an additional 20 SOLUTIONS to consider, most of which you can begin using today! For even more SOLUTIONS to our “collectivist” problems, go here:

Let’s Stop Fooling Ourselves: Americans Can’t Afford the Future

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