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Comment by Dennis Treybil
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Consider the following quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero: “There exists a law, not written down anywhere, but inborn in our hearts; a law which comes to us not by training or custom or reading; a law which has come to us not by theory but from practice, not by instruction but by natural intuition. ” Marcus Tullius Cicero I consider this quote as a paraphrase or even a definition of the term "native justice" in the Declaration of Indepence. Native justice is rooted in the heart of each and every individual. The source of any evaluation of whether a law is "just" or "unjust" is the population - the people at large. (Ernest was very strong on the idea of "public opinion" this morning.) In a Republic, the people (at large) are the sovereign. Ideally, in a Republic, the law would express the will of the people at large, reflecting both their wisdom and their good intentions toward their fellow man. But in the currently-prevailing defacto corporate plutocracy, the will of the corporate collective is imposed upon the individual. The law more often reflects the interests of corporate interests than the interests of the individual. As I read this brief article, Ernest spoke of Marc actually washing his hands first thing upon arriving home just to get the grunge off him. The same grunge that covers Marc in his legal work covers those engaged in almost any form of commerce. Justice is first and foremost a feeling. When 99.44% of the people are doing at least half right better than half the time, justice is synonymous with happiness. When intolerable trespasses occur, the rigors of due process come into play and Marc (or a professional colleague) gets involved. In these cases, justice takes on a color of socially-sanctioned revenge. Once a trespass occurs, the formal justice system cannot make anybody whole. The offended party must do the inner work for that. Neither "just" nor "unjust" law has any effect in that - most important of all - realm. According to one article "Plato's Republic" was an attempt on his part to formulate a government that would isolate the individual from the influence of Athens' powerful elite. Plato failed largely. I don't think anybody else has entirely succeeded since . . . FWIW, DC Treybil

Comment by Nelson Waller
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I can't believe that you the great FreedomsPhoenix staff are "honoring" this foul demagogue. His real legacy is the the endless waves of black crime, mayhem and "GIMME" that (otherwise wonderful) sites like yours grossly underplay. I thought you were here to bust political correctness? Anybody that loves freedom. they have to deplore King and his cult. "Civil rights" is nothing but a battering ram against white society and indeed representative government. Here in South Carolina we've been told for a quarter of a century that the politicians will tell us what symbols to love and display because some "OFFEND" people. They know full well their choices are against every poll taken -- but, well, that's "tolerance" and "inclusion" for you. I'm listening to Michael Rivero's show from Wednesday, and purely by coincidence (or omen) he rightly deplored this tyrannical racial pandering over the Confederate flag -- around minute 1:05 in the 1/20/16 youtube. Hey, you forgot the fake "Doctor" part of his 50% fake name -- you're NEVER supposed to write it without all 3 names plus the "doctor" AS WELL AS the "junior" part if your going to be diversitarianistically correct! Never mind that his degrees were frauds -- if he weren't our new demigod, they'd have been revoked ages ago. Do all of the ritual or none of it if you want to be in the pluralistic multicultural in-crowd! Further reading: martinlutherking dot org.

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