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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

What? You never heard of INCOME TAXES. They are voluntary, of course. What is a job? ... Get rich with a different job. ... File your W-4 with "n-a" on all the lines except write EXEMPT on line 7. Sign it "non-assumpsit" and your sig, and sue your employer if he withholds. ... If the IRS orders you to file a tax return, file it n-a on all the lines, and sign it "non-assumpsit" and your sig. Then send them a bill for taking and filling their order, just like you would if you were a waitress in a restaurant. Sue them if they don't pay. ... But the legality?! You aren't part of their legal system. Remember, even the IRS tells you taxes are voluntary. Stop voluntarily telling them with a signed form how much you made and owe. ... What is a job? Get a new one. Sue the IRS for a living.

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