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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

"Israel is a lawless rogue state."

Kaching! More Saudi riyals in his cash register :)

The real truth is that Israel is the only legitimate state in so-called Palestine, with a historical claim going back 3,000 years, with most of the others like Jordan being fake nation-states created by the Allies after WWII from the remains of the horrible Ottoman Empire in an attempt to keep it from rising again.

Israel has always been the birthright of the Jews, and always will be. If it weren't for the horrible lying ideology of ISLAM then the ARABS could find a way to redistribute the so-called Palestinians in their millions of miles of territory and leave poor outnumbered surrounded Israel alone.

Why is Lendman, an ugh, American Jew, so obsessed with pouring yellow journalism out against Israel and in favor of ISLAM and its oft-stated goal of exterminating any non-Muslim state in the Arab so-called Ummah? Or should we be asking how much, kaching? Notice how he never mentions the words Islam or Muslim, they're just the Palestinian proletariat, true comrades, despite the tons of anti-Semitic hate preached by their MUSLIM preachers, as recently presented to the U.N.:

The more one studies Israel's real history, the more sick the Arab-greased propaganda about Israel being a rogue or illegitimate state looks:

The more one keeps up on the shenanigans of world Islam, the more of a blight on the human race it looks:

Islam needs, not a Reformation, but an END. I wonder how long the hardliners would last if Mecca and Medina, home of their evil idol were NUKED? What will it take to make a billion people wake up and dump their dead god and join the human race? How about 100-200 megatons? When when when will the world be rid of DEAD ALLAH?

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

Dear Mr. T.L. Winslow:

 It is apparent that the Israeli Foreign Ministry pays you to post tripe (a/k/a Hasbara) by the word.  So much ado about nothing!  Poor fella.  All the garbage, the vile and the lies.  All the nonsense and the ignorant accusations.  Yet, Mr. Winslow does not realize that Mr. Lendman is himself a Jewish person.  Poor, poor, misguided, underemployed, underpaid Mr. Winslow.

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

Excellent insight as always Mr. Lendman!  Kudos to you for seeing the truth and for exposing it.  You, Sir, are a gem and priceless asset to the Jewish people of conscience and peace of the world.  

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