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Comment by TL Winslow
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The Lendman stream reminds me of a car limping along the road on a flat waving a winner's flag.

When will he 'get' that we're onto him, and how he's just a Saudi puppet front?  It's riyal-ly simple - kaching!

The truth about so-called Palestine is that it's been there for decades, and is called JORDAN.

On Dec. 11, 1984 Benjamin Netanyahu gave a
to the U.N. Gen. Assembly on why Jordan is the real Palestine, with the soundbyte:

"Clearly, in Eastern and Western Palestine, there are only two peoples, the Arabs and the Jews.  Just as clearly, there are only two states in that area, Jordan and Israel.  The Arab State of Jordan, containing some three million Arabs, does not allow a single Jew to live there.  It also contains 4/5 of the territory originally
allocated by this body’s predecessor, the League of Nations, for the Jewish national home.  The other State, Israel, has a population of over four million, of which
1/6 is Arab.  It contains less than 1/5 of the territory originally allocated to the Jews under the Mandate...  It cannot be said, therefore, that the Arabs of Palestine are lacking a state of their own.  The demand for a second Palestinian Arab State in Western Palestine, and a 22nd Arab State in the world, is merely the latest attempt to push Israel back into the hopelessly vulnerable armistice
lines of 1949."

So why are they still trying to get a "state of Palestine" in the West Bank and Gaza?  Because they want it ALL, no matter what ruse they have to stoop to.

So-called Palestinians aren't members of our human race, they're MUSLIMS, who believe in their own infallibility and superiority, and will never ever call off their JIHAD against Israel.  Since no Arab army has ever won a battle against Israel, they are just resorting to yellow journalism, payoff money and other like tactics to buy time for the FINAL EXTERMINATION.

When it comes to their puppet fronts or disinformation artists in the West, it's such a laugh when Muslims reguarly tell each other in Arab the simple truth, for example this year, when a Hamas cleric rejoiced that Allah gathered the Jews in Israel for the "great massacre" - fences make good what?

Fly with the eagles and get the truth, with facts you can check from unbiased Web sites:

Keep on daily global news, on all sides, not just Saudi agitprop:



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