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2023-01-06 09:51
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Entered by: ppmSilver
Here are some additional possible embodiments of the idea submitted, further clarifying the prior art in the preferred embodiment published in this post. 1) The OD bearing may be replaced with any bearing means allowing rotation of the inner components withing the static outer ones. 2) The auger means of fluid movement could be any type of means for conveying the fluid. 3) The drive motor may be replaced with any means of rotating the shaft and use any appropriate means of attachment between them. 4) The hose adapter at the exit may be replaced with any means of connection to the means of confining the fluid during conveyance to its destination. 5) Rain water input may be replaces with any water adequate for mixing with cement.
2023-01-03 08:20
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
Read the NEWEST comments on the video. A lot of informed people are pretty sure the cause is the clot-shot. I couldn’t find any vaccine comments under TOP comments. Reading comments is one way I keep abreast of where the populace in general is at in their ability to think rationally.
2023-01-02 11:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
Depending on who you listen to, it will take over a year to get to Mars flying time. Mars is the goal for Musk. How to do it? Use the 6-decades-ago-developed atom-bomb rocket - Send the parts up into space, away from Earth, or to the moon. Put it together there, and launch it from there. No radiation problems from there, because the sun puts out much more deadly radiation than atom bombs. Of course, don't tell any government what you are doing. Get parts from any number of countries, so that no single country suspects. Launch SpaceX, with the parts, from an ocean platform if countries complain. Then put it together and Go!
2022-12-26 15:36
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Entered by: Aaron Burton
Dear Ernest and Donna Merry Christmas from Australia, you have been a huge Inspiration to me, I listen to your podcasts through my work day and it has been a great way to pass the time positively, I thank you so much for all the Information, genuine and heartfelt! We have payed the price of standing up for our rights, lost work, scant Income and unfair judgment. But as time passes we have gained more value, real value by doing for ourselves and taking control of our future, we have a large veggie garden, live way out in the country and are happy. Thanks for all you do, it matters a great deal. Peace and power to all. looking forwards to seeing what you do in the new year. Big love from down under. Aaron..
2022-12-25 14:11
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Entered by: Valkyrie
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We miss you, Ernie and Donna. Love, Fran and Kent on our Florida homestead.
2022-12-25 12:35
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Entered by: Jiggs
Hope you and Donna have a great Christmas, Ernie. Thanks for all the inspiration and motivation over the years. You two have really been integral in keeping the fire under our @$$s rippin. Here's to Ernie Claus.
2022-12-25 11:45
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
While I disagree with Frosty , we are able to fully express ourselves in a respectful manner. I encourage sincere opinions here on FreedomsPhoenix even though I may disagree with them,... often because I disagree with them. Discussion and debate on important issues help us all clarify our positions and craft more compelling arguments. One of the features of Subscription to FreedomsPhoenix was born of the criticism of even having Frosty's opinion available on FreedomsPhoenix pages. The Custom Module/Preferences available to logged in subscribers allows for the elimination of selected writers from your feed.... Boom, problem solved. We have regular Writers, Columnists and News Reporters that may not express the preferences of FreedomsPhoenix editorial staff or Publisher (ultimately Me). but I find it far more important to allow decent than try to go through the mental gymnastics of censoring sincere alternative opinion.
2022-12-25 11:39
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Entered by: Terry Major
Thanks for all the work you and Donna have done! I am very thankful for Freedom's Phoenix and grateful for the people that I have been associated with for these many years through the Arizona Breakfast Club. The future will be bright if we make it so. We do live in interesting times. My wife and I have considered moving to Alaska as that is where our son and his family live. Decisions are not final,, but whatever comes we want to be ready. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. My we meet again and continue to work to maintain freedom! Terry
2022-12-25 09:04
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Entered by: Frosty Wooldridge
Dear Ernest, Donna, Merry Christmas to you and may 2023 be a productive and successful year for you and all of America. I'm still working on human overpopulation issue facing Arizona with its limited water resources, human driven catastrophic climate destabilization, air pollution, acid rain, accelerating animal extinction rates, loss of quality of life, and another dozen factors driven by human overpopulation. Thank you for this platform. I will continue to write compelling op-eds to make FreedomsPhoenix the best in the land. With great admiration, Frosty Wooldridge
2022-12-25 05:48
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Entered by: Roy Miller
Enjoyed your update. Thanks for all you do for the cause of liberty. Merry Christmas
2022-12-24 13:31
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Entered by: Barb Shepherd
2022-12-23 12:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Proof that it's the leaders who want war, not the average people. For example. Average people might be praying for success in Ukraine. But mostly they are simply going about their business, and Ukraine is like a football game for them. They don't really want war anywhere. It's a game until they actual are dying as soldiers in the war. But then it's too late. The leaders are the problem.
2022-12-23 12:15
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Entered by: Ed Senior III
This link appears to be broken. FYI Y’all
2022-12-22 09:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
Hurray for Rand Paul. For a guy playing inside the game, he says it right out in the open, maybe more and better than anybody. But I wish he and others like him would get down to the simple basics, the corruption of the Federal Reserve Bank. The particular devastating corruption of the Bank is the loan department. The promissory note the borrower signs becomes a negotiable instrument, and with the bank's help, as a NI, the note becomes money. This means that the borrower paid off the loan twice, the first time right at the beginning of the loan when he gave the promissory note to the banker. Further payments over the years are like gifts to the Fed, that they use to print more money (for Ukraine), thereby causing inflation.
2022-12-21 17:30
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Entered by: PureTrust
Evolution as a theory destroys itself. Its demise comes about through the term 'random mutations', mostly the 'random' part. Somehow we have gotten into our heads the idea that 'random' means something like 'spontaneity'. But science knows that everything operates through cause and effect, no matter how complex that cause and effect might be, and that there isn't anything truly spontaneous. This means that 'random' simply means that we don't know. Since we don't know about random mutations, carry the idea out to its conclusion. We don't know that there is any real evolution. The whole operation of life could be through something else that science hasn't been able to figure out yet. Or something that breaks the flawed notion of evolution and the dignity of science.
2022-12-19 11:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
In cases with that don't award much or any money, a judge might make his decision based on his feelings, knowing that nobody will ask for "conclusions of fact, or decisions of law." But when the case involves a load of money like this one, we should get a copy of the case, at least the lawsuit and the judge's conclusions of fact and decisions of law. Why? If we don't have something that bugs us right now, we might in the future, and will want to know what we need to do to create and win a lawsuit of our own.
2022-12-19 11:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
Money is something that can easily be traded by the masses or a subsection thereof, has value or perceived value by the masses, and can't be easily counterfeited. Gold has little practical use for the masses: can't eat it, smoke it, use it for insulation in your house, etc. It DOES have practical use in industry, or could be used as boat anchors (in alloy) by the masses, so it does have a little practical value. To the masses, gold almost only has perceived value, little practical value. Cash has much greater perceived value, so much in fact, that it has practical value. Think about Bitcoin as money.
2022-12-17 11:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
Now with a tweak to the cold fusion, we might be able to get a "gold fusion." You know. Like the philosopher stone. That way we could pay for gas with gold if anything in the electricity end of the vehicle broke down. ;)
2022-12-17 11:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
Wow! The Katie Hobbs campaign finally made sense when they said, "Kari Lake needs attention like a fish needs water... " And it is the same with all Arizonans, and Americans in general. But which Arizonans were they talking about when they also said, "Arizonans made their voices heard and elected Katie Hobbs as their governor?" Seems to me it was a bunch of Arizonans who don't want to correct any election wrongdoing... as opposed to all Arizonans who voted.
2022-12-13 10:33
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ernie absolutely did the best thing that anybody can do when asked by government to have an attorney. Ernie didn't have one, and wouldn't accept government's offer to appoint one for him. Why is this good? Because having attorney automatically places a person, by agreement, into the jurisdiction of the courts, where the courts can dictate your position in any court action. This doesn't mean that you can't have many attorneys as "co-councilors." It means that they can't speak for you in court, and that you are not their 'client'. Doing it this way lets you have the experience of the attorneys, without being under the thumb of the court. The fact that a man or woman can have a jury as judge, shows that men and women are above the court system, if they are wise enough to stay that way.
2022-12-12 15:50
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
I was asked about how decorated Washington DC is for Christmas. Almost Nothing. One tree lighted I could see from Uber so far... weird
2022-12-12 09:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
Find ways to extend your telomeres. These are units at the ends of the chromosomes that keep your DNA from unraveling.
2022-12-12 09:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
True freedom starts by recognizing the borders of your limitations, and then moving to carefully and gently extend those borders in ways that don't extend your limitations, as well. Dirty Harry said it best, "Man's got to know his limitations," - Lew Rockwell posted an article from 'The Burning Platform' that says similar - Recognizing this stuff is the beginning of true freedom.
2022-12-11 11:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
To take Bitcoin out of government control, do a fork of it that makes it into a Private Membership Association (PMA) as described here - Add wording to the cryptocurrency client used that says, right in the transaction page, that this is a PMA transaction, with appropriate wording for the transaction type - between controllers/owners of the cryptocurrency addresses included in the transaction. Each new transaction is a new PMA. Search to see how it is being done all over the place. Why not cryptocurrency?
2022-12-11 11:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
Here is where most or all of inflation comes from: bank loans. When a loan is being consummated, the promissory note or mortgage note is considered to be a negotiable instrument - Such notes are considered to be money by the bank. The borrower actually funded his own loan with the promissory note. This goes for all loans made to government or anywhere else. The Federal Reserve Bank prints 'green cash money' as needed, to replace money dished out in the form of loans. More money is inflation. In other words, it is borrowers (mostly government), along with the banks, that create more money, thereby causing inflation.
2022-12-10 18:40
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Did Oath keepers change, or is this a different organization from the 00s. My recollection from back in the day dastardly they had no particular political agend, simply being a group of current and former government employees indicating publicly that they would be true to their oath to defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, even if their bosses said otherwise.
2022-12-10 18:26
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Couldn't be perhaps because it was libelous as sin, and they got cease and desist orders?
2022-12-10 10:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
2022-12-09 17:36
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Entered by: akseeker
good to see Tim get a seat, but I hope he's fully aware of the high levels of x-rays the spacecraft will encounter when outside the earth's magnetosphere. Perhaps Ernest could get Professor James McCanney on to discuss? It's kinda important...
2022-12-03 11:45
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Entered by: jeffsmathers
I told a guy in San Francisco about a new banking technology that uses Retinal scans to verify banking transactions.... he was later disappointed to find out he misunderstood and thought I said Rectal scans.....