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Marc J. Victor


Radio/TV Shows Featuring Guest

Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
2022-11-01 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Marc Victor (MP3)
   Marc Victor (Attorney's For Freedom; Live and Let Live) talks about his decision to pull out of the Arizona U.S. Sentate race and endorse Blake Masters (R), discusses the upcoming midterms, Live and Let Live, etc... (Better Audio Loaded)
Show Date:  2022-11-03
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
01-12-21 -- Marc Victor (Live and Let Live) (MP3)
   Marc Victor (Criminal Defense Attorney - Attorney's For Freedom) talks about the rule, 'Live And Let Live' as he joins Ernest in the LOVE Bus in Chandler, AZ
Show Date:  2021-01-12
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
06-17-20 -- Jay Noone - Marc Victor - Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News -- MP3 LOADED
   Jay Noone update on what he and Ernie have been doing - Marc Victor (Attorneys for Freedom) comes on the show to discuss his lawfirm representing a group of Hawaii residents in a lawsuit against the governor of Hawaii regarding his Covid-19 related o
Show Date:  2020-06-17
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
10-25-19 -- Marc J Victor (Attorney's for Freedom) - Libertarian Philosophy... Enforced (MP3/VIDEO L
   Marc J Victor (Attorney's for Freedom) on the second amendment/gun related issues, general liberty issues - Can universal libertarianism be enforced on a planetary level... should we try?
Show Date:  2019-10-25
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
10-25-19 -- Marc J Victor (Attorney's for Freedom) - Libertarian Philosophy... Enforced (MP3/VIDEO L
   Marc J Victor (Attorney's for Freedom) on the second amendment/gun related issues, general liberty issues - Can universal libertarianism be enforced on a planetary level... should we try?
Show Date:  2019-10-25
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
03-08-19 -- Jordan Page - Angela Clemons - Marc Victor (MP3s & VIDEO's LOADED)
   Jordan Page (Liberty Musician) and Angela Clemons on the Schaeffer Cox story, including a new song from Jordan (The Persecution of Schaeffer Cox) - Marc Victor (Attorneys for Freedom) on the law
Show Date:  2019-03-08
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-01-2018 -- Dr Phranq Tamburri - Marc J Victor - Dr Jeffrey A Singer (Video & MP3s LOADED)
   Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD LIVE for the Trump Report (Re-cap of SOTU; FISA Memo) - Marc Victor (Attorneys For Freedom) on The Freedom Summit - Dr Jeffrey Singer (Surgeon) on his talk at The Freedom Summit on Misdiagnosing the Opioid Crisis
Show Date:  2018-02-01
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
09-07-16 -- Irene Pi - Marc J Victor - Jacob Lamont -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)
   Irene Pi talks about the Vaccine Education Summit - Marc J Victor (Criminal Defense Attorney) breaks down the court ruling against medical marijuana users buying guns - Jacob Lamont (dispensary owner 6 miles south of the Canadian border - Evergreen C
Show Date:  2016-09-07
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
02-02-16 -- Live Remote with Marc J Victor, Criminal Defense Attorney -- (MP3'S LOADED - NO VIDEO)
   Marc J Victor (Attorney for Freedom) comes on the show to discuss a variety of legal issues, that status of civil liberties in America today, predictions for 2016, and more on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show - live remote
Show Date:  2016-02-02
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
03-24-15 -- Angela Keaton - Marc Victor - Mark Nestmann (MP3 & Video LOADED)
   Angela Keaton (AntiWar.Com) on Google's attempt to censor AntiWar.Com - Marc J. Victor debates County Atty. Bill Montgomery on the Drug War - Mark Nestmann (President of the Nestmann Group LLC) on domestic and international economics
Show Date:  2015-03-24
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
09-25-14 -- Marc Victor and sons, Max and Braeden, do a live remote with Ernest Hancock (MP3 Loaded)
   Ernest Hancock does a live remote with Marc Victor and his sons, Max and Braeden, on their recent course with the Devil Pups; Ernest and Marc talk legal issues in Arizona and get updated form Marc on his recent court cases (FYI - no video archive tod
Show Date:  2014-09-24
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
08-28-14 -- Chad Hudspeth, Laura Rantanen -- (VIDEO & MP3 ARCHIVE)
   Chad Hudspeth (EndlessFoodSystems.Com) and Laura Rantanen (from Finland to learn about the prepper movement) come in studio -
Show Date:  2014-08-28
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
08-21-14 -- Bill Buppert - Marc Victor - John Buttrick - (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
   Bill Buppert (publisher of ZeroGov.Com) on the militarization of the police (i.e. Ferguson) - Marc Victor (AttorneyForFreedom.Com) on the police state - John Buttrick (United States Magistrate Judge in the District of Arizona) on libertarian issues i
Show Date:  2014-08-21
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
08-13-14 -- Today's show is a re-run - Nick Lambert (MaidSafe.Net) - Donna Hancock (MP3/VIDEO up)
   Nick Lambert (Chief Operating Officer for MaidSafe.Net) comes on the show to provide an update on MaidSafe.Net and internet decentralization - Donna and Ernie discuss their 30 yr. anniversary and plans for the next 30.
Show Date:  2014-08-13
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
08-08-13 -- Marc J Victor, Mike Wasdin In Studio (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)
   Marc J Victor (Criminal Defense Attorney) on a variety of legal issues - Mike Wasdin (Marketing Manager for Marc Victor) on a host of libertarian and anarchist issues
Show Date:  2013-08-08
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
04-24-12--NO LIVE SHOW - Pastor Lindsey Williams and Marc J. Victor will be re-broadcast
   Two Great Guests: Pastor Lindsey Williams shares information about his new DVD Series, 'Secrets of the Elite' (Hour 1 & 2) - Criminal Defense Attorney, Marc J. Victor, gives us an update on the police state in America (Hour 3)
Show Date:  2012-04-23
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
04-19-12 -- Lee Wrights - Marc Victor - (MP3 & Video Loaded)
   Lee Wrights, 2012 Libertarian Presidential Candidate for President, discusses why he is running for president - Marc Victor, Criminal Defense Attorney, provides us an update to the police state
Show Date:  2012-04-18
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
03-12-12 -- Marc J. Victor In Studio - (MP3 & Video Loaded)
   Marc J. Victor is in studio for 3 hours with Ernest - what will they talk about??!!
Show Date:  2012-03-11
Radio/TV Show  •  WAR: About that War
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Stephen Lendman - NATO - Libya - War / Ed Foster - Quartzsite Elections / Marc J. Victor
   Stephen Lendman - NATO - Libya - War / Ed Foster, Mayor of Quartzsite - Quartzsite Elections / Marc J. Victor - County Attorney Does Not Want (Drug War) Debate Recorded!
Show Date:  2011-08-30
Radio/TV Show  •  WAR: About that War
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Video
Host: Ernest Hancock
Stephen Lendman - NATO - Libya - War / Ed Foster - Quartzsite Elections / Marc J. Victor
   Stephen Lendman - NATO - Libya - War / Ed Foster, Mayor of Quartzsite - Quartzsite Elections / Marc J. Victor - County Attorney Does Not Want (Drug War) Debate Recorded!
Show Date:  2011-08-30
Radio/TV Show  •  Government
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Video
Host: Ernest Hancock
Marc J. Victor & Richard Morris - In Studio - Suing Jan Brewer for AZ Prayer Day
   Marc J. Victor & Richard Morris - In Studio - Suing Jan Brewer for AZ Prayer Day
Show Date:  2011-03-18
Radio/TV Show  •  Government
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Marc J. Victor & Richard Morris - In Studio - Suing Jan Brewer for AZ Prayer Day
   Marc J. Victor & Richard Morris - In Studio - Suing Jan Brewer for AZ Prayer Day
Show Date:  2011-03-18
Radio/TV Show  •  Government
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
NEW SHOW TIME: 12pm-2pm (AZ) / Butler Shaffer and Marc J. Victor in studio
   NEW SHOW TIME: 12pm-2pm (AZ) / Butler Shaffer & Marc J. Victor in studio - "The New Geometry and the New Math" & "What Does History 'Prove'?" -Marc J. Victor
Show Date:  2011-03-14
Radio/TV Show  •  Freedom Summit
Freedom Summit
Host: Ernest Hancock
Judge John Buttrick - Judge Jim Gray - Marc J. Victor "The Criminal Justice System on Trial"
   Judge John Buttrick - Judge Jim Gray - Marc J. Victor "The Criminal Justice System on Trial"
Show Date:  2010-12-22
Radio/TV Show  •  Freedom Summit
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Judge John Buttrick / Attorney Marc J. Victor - In Studio - Freedom Summit 2010 / TSA
   Judge John Buttrick / Attorney Marc J. Victor - In Studio - Freedom Summit 2010 / TSA
Show Date:  2010-11-23
Radio/TV Show  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Video
Host: Ernest Hancock
Judge John Buttrick / Attorney Marc J. Victor - In Studio - Freedom Summit 2010 / TSA
   Judge John Buttrick / Attorney Marc J. Victor - In Studio - Freedom Summit 2010 / TSA
Show Date:  2010-11-23


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