Letters to the Editor • Economy - Economics USA

Are You Ready?

 If, in my unknowing, mis-understanding and complete inability to fathom the money, fuel, power, medical and work crisis, I should suggest that the way it is being handled was at best a failure, I would only be speaking the truth!

If, I had the ability to instead put trillions into the banks and insurance companies and billions into Auto companies so they could fail, and instead put that money into investments in Americans hands, investments that would have put people to work, paid taxes, slowed home losses I would have been thrown out of the Ivey League educated masterminds that have made this mess in Washington DC.

But!  If the amount of interest was cut by one half on every loan in America, the real out come would be more real money in the hands of Middle Americans and not lost into banks that are being run into debt.  If I had taken a few trillion or hundred trillion and said to Middle Americans what companies can you make that will employ people, we would already see an upturn in employment.  If I said we needed transportation that would leave 75% of the cars with in three miles of the peoples homes and run on time and demanded the industry to make the needed transportation we would alread be in the planing and rebuilding industry stage plus oil would not be going up because this one measure would cut US usage by 28%.

But no.  Trillions into banks, jobs lost and the great highly trained Ivey league brains still do not understand the simple fact.  The whole of everything American rides on is the Middle American.  He and she are America.  Not the banks, insurance or medical.  I would have put Middle America back to work.  Both political parties are only spending as if no one has to pay for the party.

I do hope you are a Middle American, after all you will have to pull out the check and pay for the dance after the parties leave the floor!

Casey...A middle American!!!!!!

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