Article Image Powell Gammill

Letters to the Editor • Healthcare

The High Cost of Healthcare

A DEM friend of mine who believes in socialized medicine and the ability to use political compromise to achieve a prosperous society keeps hammering me on all the reasons for passing the Obama healthcare plan.

It will bring down the cost of pay to Doctors and it will provide the millions of uninsured with desperately needed coverage, he states.  Those promoting it are still under the contention that the costs will not be any higher than it is now, for those that will end up paying for it and that the system will improve.  That has not been the experience for other countries who have adopted free healthcare.

Anybody who has studied the effects of socialized medicine know that it ends up weighing heavily on the economic system, and all countries today are feeling the negative effects of government overspending and the inflation/deflation it causes as the political ruling class alters policy to stay off a total collapse.  Those that are promoting socialized medicine forget about who is going to pay for it, apparently thinking that money grows on trees.

 The U.S. according to the World Health Organization (WHO)is the 43 sickest nation in the world and therefore the political system has not fostered the level of quality Americans deserve. Many economist know the reason we are the 43 sickest nation in the world is that we are in fact a highly socialized medical system already, with most aspects of the medical system either controlled or regulated by government. From university accreditations to Medicaid, government is so involved in our healthcare that the intervention in the healthcare markets by government is the exact reason(s) why health care is so expensive and has delivered such poor results.  Many Doctors make 10 to 20 times that of other professions and the resultant quality and very high costs reflect the protectionism that Doctors are granted through Licensure laws and the University accreditation system.

I point this out to my DEM buddy and he completely ignores what he knows to be the facts. He knows why socialism doesn’t work yet thinks that it is the solution to existing problems under these circumstances.  Communism and socialism do not work as they deter the advancement of progress as there is little or no benefit to those that attempt to solve problems through improvement of products and services.  We are taught that in basic social studies.  The phone system in the Soviet Union during its final years was from the nineteen sixties because there was no incentive for anybody to improve it whereas by then Americans were getting free phones just for signing up for a new bank account.

Have you not noticed that as we have gone away from free enterprise, even with its problems, and continue to embrace socialism more and more, that our social problems are increasing in circumstance and severity?

Is this what we want, where the better Doctors would receive the same amount of pay even if they provide a better quality of care for their patients or don’t achieve the benefits for discovering a cure to some disease that took them years of working overtime to discover? Do we want government to determine what types of healthcare we are to receive and how much we should pay for it? 

Do we want doctors being taught that there is no cure for cancer when thousands are using various methods of holistic medicine to cure various forms of cancer?  Doctors are taught to remove body parts, and mask the symptoms of disease with drugs supplied by the pharmaceutical companies while regulated by the FDA whom have approved drugs that later were found to be dangerous and pulled from the market?   Believing that government is going to protect the public has not historically proven to be accurate.  It is just another redistribution of wealth scheme that has failed us. Understand that politicians love the redistribution of wealth schemes because they are in charge of spending it.    

The redistribution of wealth has created so many problems that anyone that supports the continued use of it must take a serious look at their mental acuity. Taking money and property from those that it belongs to and giving it to those that it does not rightfully belong to is unethical. Believing that an entire system can work with this economic foundation is ludicrous and cannot or has not ever fostered a civil society.  Believing that everything should be free for those that cannot afford it requires masses amounts of the redistribution of wealth.  Somebody has to pay for it and it is unethical to steal money and property from those that it honestly belongs to, despite what we use that money for.  I don’t care how altruistic the use of funds is, theft and coercion is wrong and it has not fostered peace and prosperity except for those that are on the public dole.  We have bankrupted 20% to 30% of the private sector in this country and now face the inevitable results of years of over taxation and regulation. Instead of deploying free market solutions to free market problems we have chosen to let government redistribute our wealth for the public good and it has failed us as it has failed every society in history. Government does not and has not solved any of the social problems of the last 50 years. Why would we think that all of a sudden government will miraculously start solving problems?   

So how do we solve the high price and poor quality of healthcare we are now receiving?  This most important change that must be done is to allow individuals to choose who they want to provide their medical care. It is that simple, however this would eliminate the protectionist licenses that Doctors receive by passing government tests and going to government accredited universities.  Should not the consumer, instead of the government choose whom they want to provide their healthcare and what schools offer the best medical knowledge?   Or should it be left to politicians, bureacreats and special interest groups to determine our quality of healthcare?  Not if you want good healthcare.   Because some small percentage of society is too stupid to choose a good doctor, let’s create a system that is controlled by politics, special interest, cronyism and compromise.  That is the choice folks.  We either let you and I, as individuals, determine our medical future or we let politicians and the special interest groups like those that represent pharmaceutical companies, the universities and the doctors determine our medical future.  Are you smart enough to choose your own doctor? Let hope so because you won’t be able to afford them if you don’t.

By repealing licensure laws we will not only improve our medical system but we will lower costs as medical providers will not be protected from competition.  Greater competition is proven to improve not only costs but quality of services and products; something we learned in economics 101.

Once again we are faced with how to change the licensure laws, as the system is set up to continue the massive redistribution of wealth and maintain control of the spending by a political system so corrupt and unresponsive to the will of the people that any historical means of the legal or democratic process has failed.

Once again, it appears that there is only one way to alter our system and the book Atlas Shrugged tells of how a group of industrialist boycotted the system by just quitting.  Stop giving government our money and the more people that do it the more successful we will be.  Many individuals and groups have been fighting for individual rights for decades to no avail and there does not appear to be any other means left in the system.  It is so rigged and controlled, that people are even misled into believing that the democratic process not only works but the it will promote beneficial changes for the majority. That is a fallacy and the analysis can be read at:

There are always those whom are well off under the current system such as Federal employees and politicians who on average make $71,000 per year, guaranteed with benefits while E-6 unemployment levels near 20%.   It is time that they know what it’s like to look for jobs that pay ¼ of what they are now making.  As Mahatma Gandhi stated passive resistance – stop giving them your money and protest their activities.  It is a fearful thing to do yet consider the benefits. We will be helping ourselves, our families and most of our neighbors, whom are not on the poblic doles, regain the individual rights that our Constitution once protected, that made America the greatest country in the world.  Since the central planners starting their corruptive redistribution of wealth schemes in the early part of the 1900’s, America has digressed to such levels not seen in our history. This recession, being in its infancy will be far worse that the 1st great depression and it is now time to rescue our system before there is little to rescue.   Being afraid is our enemy and is their weapon. It is a good thing our founding fathers were not afraid.