Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Surveillance

Congressman Jeff Flake Votes YES For an extension of the Patriot ACT

 The fact that Jeff Flake would sell out our freedom after realizing he won't have an easy run for office in 12,
shows that he clearly thinks Neo-Cons will save him or he truly is arrogant enough to believe we will forget and vote for him anyway.
Well, Mr.Congressman, you are wrong. After you failed to make the Cap and Trade vote we forgave you. Your record started to
 improve but after voting  for an atrocious infringement of all citizens rights, like The Patriot Act, The only forgiveness now is to reverse
your vote on the second go around of this rights trampling garbage legislation.  I am calling you out publicly. WE are calling you out
publicly. We may not seem to matter now Mr.Congressman, but I assure  you come your primary and difficult run you are already
facing in '12, you are going to need every one you can get and we will not forget

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Temper Bay
Entered on:

 Arizona gets the numb-nutz it asks for.

Comment by Anonymous Watchman
Entered on:

 Same goes for Trent Franks and whoever else voted for this UNConstitutional Patriot Act