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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Feds won't let some sex offenders go

• USA Today
[It always starts with the children.] The Justice Department is planning to detain an number of violent sex offenders after they have completed their federal prison sentences as part of a program aimed at protecting children, The initiative, mode

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Frank Henry
Entered on:

...Its time to push for universal education vouchers....


Once again we see an insight into our "public" school problems.

1.  With the economy struggling and tax revenues going down and the
hugh statewide debt (state, county, local) we can no longer squander
our taxes for the kind of nonsense amplified in this news item.

2.  Parents have the pime right and responsibillity for the education/training 
of THEIR children.

With the above two facts it is time that all education spending by our
state government (state, county, local, etc) should be done via vouchers
to each and every student (1 thru 12) via their parents.

Under the voucher route of spending for education public school, private
school and home school will be able to deliver an optimal education/
training to all our students.   The voucher system is constituional because
education dollars will be given to students via their parents...The money 
will not be going directly to public, private, or home schools.

Think about vouchers...its do-able...let Arizona be the first in positive
education/training for all our Arizonan students.

Thanks and Good Luck,
Frank Henry
Cottonwood, Arizona
Tel:  928-649-0249

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