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IPFS News Link • Whistleblowers

Let Sibel Edmonds Speak

• Let Sibel Edmonds Speak Blog
A must read to new Freedomsphoenix readers about the most gagged person in US history. I can't wait for the day until she says screw you, and makes public what she knows.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by hatchcar
Entered on:

I know, but one can always hope.

Comment by Fascist Nation
Entered on:

That is unlikely to happen since she is an Iranian American whose citizenship can be stripped with a felony conviction for contempt or whatever, and deported to Iran where she would not fare well. For better or for worse she can either leave her story to be published posthumously (a good idea to stay alive) or hope a future Supreme Court or Congress/President will lift the gag (unlikely, no wait very unlikely, no wait, extremely unlikely).