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IPFS News Link • Corruption

Obama Bombshell** Blue Hawaii: Health Department falsified Obama's birth records (VID

FRAUD IN THE USA EXLUSIVE! Sometime between October 31, 2008, and July 27, 2009, the dates of Health Director Chiyome Fukino's two press releases, Hawaii amended Obama's birth record. A brand-new Certificate of Live Birth (not Certification) was issued to him. The DOH Director decides what goes in or gets taken out of birth records. She went on record as saying that "President Obama posted a copy of his certificate on his campaign website" even though she has refused to authenticate it for the past two years. This created a conundrum that could only be resolved by changing Obama's birth records to match what is in that online copy - which is a stone-cold forgery and Fukino knows it! That forged COLB also has its origin within the DOH: watch the video to find out the shocking truth

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Hey, Hawaii isn't really a U.S. state either, so call it getting even :) Scope Obama's checkered past fast free and accurate in time for the upcoming elections free with the Historyscoper at 

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

Godlike FAIL.

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