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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

Jesse Ventura on Conspiracies and Government Lies

On September 25, 2010, before an SRO audience, Jesse Ventura discussed his book, "American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us." He was speaking at Baltimore’s annual BookFest, which is held in the Mt. Vernon Square section of the city. Mr. Ventura was joined on the program by Richard Sher, an ex-news reader/presenter for WJZ-TV in Baltimore, MD.

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Comment by David40
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Old Jesse had me going right up to the point where he started talking about Obama. At that point I realized this guy is either a shill for the power elite or he hasn't discovered the biggest conspiracy of them all, namely the total dominance of the global banking and corporate elite. You can see by his talk that he does not seem to have a clue about who put Obama in office along with every high government official for the last 30 years. Jesse, if you read this, I hope you'll find the time to check out the documentary "The Money Masters" because if you're not a NWO shill this will fill in all the blanks to tie together the common thread that runs through most all the conspiracies you  have investigated. Till then I remain suspicious of you.