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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Education – Will Derail Comprehensive Immigration Reform

• The PPJ Gazette
As I have stated many times in the past “Education” is a very strong tool, and I believe it is just that, educating the public and our Legislators, that will bring the demise of H. 4321 presented by House Members Ortiz and Gutierrez and/or S. 3932 presented by Menendez. But, one of the provisions not being discussed, that will have devastating effects to our nations sovereignty, safety, sustainability, population concerns and almost every aspect of citizenship is “The Family Unification Plan” referred to as Promoting Family Unity. Let me say first and foremost, there should be absolutely no discussion of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) until our borders and ports are secured, primarily our southern border with military and/or a wall. We will not be fooled by the empty promises and lies, once again. I also believe these bills further erode the “Rule of Law” via amnesty.
