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IPFS News Link • Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation

Radiation Up To 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Evac Zone Found In Soil

The study found cesium-137 at levels between about 590,000 and 2.19 million becquerels per cubic meter." Comparing this to Chernobyl: "After the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union in 1986, residents who lived in areas where cesium-137 levels exceeded 555,000 becquerels were forced to move elsewhere. The amounts of cesium-137 found in Iitate were at most four times the figure from Chernobyl." Which begs the questions: just who will be allowed to plant rice, who will have faith that the rice they are eating is not contaminated, and how soon before rice prices surge? And how long before the fully impaired disaster zone, which could possibly spread as far as 50 km away from Fukushima, be told about the inherent risks to their lives?