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IPFS News Link • Police State

Police Now Have Unprecedented Power to Invade Our Home


Before the American Revolution, when we were King George III's colonists, his customs officers and soldiers, writing general warrants (writes of assistance) all by themselves, barged into offices and private homes in dragnet searches.

"Our houses and even our bed chambers," reported enraged Bostonians, "are exposed to be ransacked, our boxes, chests and trunks broke open, ravaged. ... Flagrant instances of the wanton exercise of this power have frequently happened in this and other seaport towns.

"By this we are cut off from that domestic security which renders the lives of the most unhappy in some measure agreeable."

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

      Again Ed Psychictaxi (#05272), to educate you further, and from Cloud Nine, pull your feet down to reality, let me restate this part of my comment below that you tried to hit back and missed by a mile:


              We fought for liberty against the Red Coat, but time


              had changed and we have more serious problems now


              than just driving the Red Coats out of our land. In order


              for this nation to survive, security now takes precedence


              over liberty. Several landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings


              are consistent on this interpretation of our Fourth AR. But


              this is hardly understood by those who are still in a Red


              Coat fight mood.


    And against this statement of reality of our time, you quoted Samuel Adams as follows: "...go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"  You just made this great man appear like a clown.


     With your quote-disconnet, are you talking to me or against the U.S. Supreme Court. What the hell is the relevance to security taking precedence over liberty the U.S. Supreme Court applies for the survival of this nation when facing internal and external threats or imminent danger from within and without? Are you crazy?  You are locked out of reality by your delusional R3VOLUTION kind of state of mind against the State. Your “Red Coat fight mood” that I mentioned makes you exist in Cloud Nine. Get over with it. Try to fit into your job of truthful and honest reporting.


      If it is any consolation to you, I must point out to you that you are in a good company of R3volutionaries the likes of Jim March. Find him in The Jose Guerena Shooting: Pima County SWAT v. We The People by Jim March at His R3volutionary disconnect is even more severe. In Cloud Nine, this is what he said: “Because nothing whatsoever was found in Mr. Guerena’s home, we can be certain that if given the opportunity, Mr. Guerena would have consented to the search. He didn’t have to die.”


      Nothing? There was a truckload of evidence found after the raid. Where did he come from – Red Planet Mars?


      Considering that you were not there where I have been, I have tried to bring to you the world of law, particularly the constitutionality of the Fourth Amendment Right as it applies to the May 5, 2011 SWAT raid pursuant to a warrant issued by the Pima County Superior Court where Jose Guerena who, together with his family gang had formed a ring of drug-trafficking and engaged in other criminal activities. He was gunned down while holding an assault weapon.


     You have the nerve of accusing me of indulging in fantasy. You are in the side of those who fantasize that Jose Guerena was an INOCENT man who was killed in the SWAT raid. That’s delusional … a total disconnect not only from the truth but also from reality.


      You must face reality … I have never been a part of those fantasizing opinion makers who are blind-siding the public like Jim March … you are!  Unless you show that you are in the real world, I could not discuss this matter with you anymore.


Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

To the statement "In order for this nation to survive, security now takes precedence over liberty." I answer with the words of Samuel Adams:

"...go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"

Enjoy your 'tranquility of servitude'. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

This article on our Fourth Amendment Right is excellent if we live under the mercy of the Red Coats. But we have the Fourth AR now that no longer allows invasion of the privacy of the home the way colonial laws do. So putting the recent Supreme Court rulings in a bad light is antiquated to say the least, if not a total failure to project the real focus of the Fourth AR since we became the land of the free.

We fought for liberty against the Red Coat, but time had changed and we have more serious problems now than just driving the Red Coats out of our land. In order for this nation to survive, security now takes precedence over liberty. Several landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings are consistent on this interpretation of our Fourth AR. But this is hardly understood by those who are still in a Red Coat fight mood.

For as long as the fundamental requirements of the Fourth AR we inscribed in the Bills of Right that limited this Red Coat thuggery on home invasion are followed – and in the recently debated Jose Guerena case those were not compromised -- the sanctity of the home is no longer held sacred than when the enemy of the State holds the home holy under the protective mantle the Fourth AR as an abode of crime such as terrorism, drug-trafficking and other criminal activities.

Since the enemy of the State hides behind the Fourth AR the fight against insidious trickery to accomplish their underground objectives becomes more difficult. Even when caught red handed, the enemy escapes by arguing violation of the requirements of the Fourth AR such as illegal arrest, search and seizure of their person and invasion of their privacy rights without a warrant.

Thus to catch those slippery snakes whose skin is covered with their lawyer’s legal slimes, the Fourth AR is amplified with what is known as the "Doctrine of Exigent Circumstances" which is an exception to the warrant requirement.

For as long as the fundamental requirements of the Fourth AR we inscribed in the Bills of Right that limited this Red Coat thuggery on home invasion are followed – and in the recently debated Jose Guerena case those were not compromised -- the sanctity of the home is no longer held sacred than when the enemy of the State holds the home holy under the protective mantle the Fourth AR as an abode of crime such as terrorism, drug-trafficking and other criminal activities.Since the enemy of the State hides behind the Fourth AR the fight against insidious trickery to accomplish their underground objectives becomes more difficult. Even when caught red handed, the enemy escapes by arguing violation of the requirements of the Fourth AR such as illegal arrest, search and seizure of their person and invasion of their privacy rights without a warrant.

"Exigent circumstances arise when the law enforcement officers have reasonable grounds to believe that there is an immediate need to protect their lives, the lives of others, their property, or that of others; the search is not motivated by an intent to arrest and seize evidence, and there is some reasonable basis, to associate an emergency with the area or place to be searched."

If you do your homework instead of spending time attacking the SWAT raid in the case of the ex-Marine who armed with an assault weapon was shot dead, we would have more time to really discuss and understand what the Fourth Amendment Right means when criminal suspects, especially those with police records, and hoodlums engaged in criminal activities are arrested in the streets and/or plucked from their home, with or without a warrant.

Anyway, to prevent this concerted effort to blind-side the public, I wrote a letter to the Editor of, an eye-opener under the title "At Gunpoint Is This Cross-Eyed Look At Liberty And Freedom Which Is Dangerous" but somehow it was suppressed. But in this Freedom Forum page you can read it here: "OathKeepers National, Arizona Libertarians March to Home of Slain Marine in Tucson" 2011-06-06 08:55. I posted this suppressed letter as a commentary for the benefit of our reading public.

but somehow it was suppressed. But in this Freedom Forum page you can read it here: "2011-06-06 08:55. I posted this suppressed letter as a commentary for the benefit of our reading public.



Comment by Temper Bay
Entered on:

When neither the Government or Courts will protect our Constitution Rights then we have to....or kneel.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Cato finally poked it's head up and didn't see its shadow, eh?