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A new U.S. law-enforcement tool: Facebook searches

• Reuters

U.S. law-enforcement agencies are increasingly obtaining warrants to search Facebook, often gaining detailed access to users' accounts without their knowledge.

A Reuters review of the Westlaw legal database shows that since 2008, federal judges have authorized at least two dozen warrants to search individuals' Facebook accounts. Many of the warrants requested a laundry list of personal data such as messages, status updates, links to videos and photographs, calendars of future and past events, "Wall postings" and "rejected Friend requests."

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lucky Red
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A new tool you said?  New?  Since when?  They've been doing that for years for crying out loud just like they're doing it with everything else from cell phones to email.  Sheesh!  What part of the United States of Amerika do y'all live in?