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LIVE UPDATES: Fighting rages at Gaddafi compound


12:57 CST: Guardian – Fighting is still going on around the Gaddafi compound, reports Wyre Davies for the BBC news channel from inside the compound.

Update: 11:29 CST - Israeli military intelligence website Debkafile is reporting that the rebel “killer strike” on Muammar Qaddafi’s regime and Tripoli fortress is being directed and carried out by British, French, Jordanian, Qatari special forces.
Update: 11: 18 CST – Al Jazeera is reporting that those fighting in the compound are not all rebels and some appear to be being directed in their actions by a non-rebel presence.

Update: 11.13 CST - Info on the compound from a Reuters article indicates it is possible Gaddafi could have fled via underground tunnels.

The fortified Tripoli compound attacked by Libyan rebels Tuesday is the seat of Muammar Gaddafi’s political power and the principal base of loyalist fighters trying to rescue his 42-year-old rule.

Analysts say Gaddafi loyalist fighters confronted with an influx of rebels since the weekend have sought to use his Bab al-Azizyah bastion as a springboard from which to carve out a loyalist zone and chip away at rebel control of adjoining neighborhoods.