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IPFS News Link • Constitution

IMAGINE: America With A Constitution...

The Vision: A separate, non-political Constitution Lobby in every state dedicated to the restoration of Constitutional Order.
The Mission: Institutionalize Citizen Vigilance, confront government wrongdoers, and organize and execute en masse, an array of peaceful Civic Actions to secure Redress for our constitutional Grievances.
The People are far more powerful than we currently believe. We possess Rights, long-forgotten, that have simply not been exercised during contemporary times.  As we hope to show, these Individual Rights exist within our Law, and are the practical, peaceful and lawful exercise of Popular Sovereignty, as articulated so concisely in the Declaration of Independence.

In short, the People possess a Fundamental Right to hold their governments accountable to the Law.

If, as a nation, we wish to avoid the escalating likelihood of violent confrontations against our state and federal governments for their continuing abuses and injuries, the time has come where we must collectively embrace and exercise our little-known, unalienable Rights to secure that which our Founders were eventually forced to secure only through revolution. We the People have a choice we must make -- and it must made soon. 

To secure our Vision, we envision a locally organized and managed Lobby in each state, staffed by full-time legal professionals and Patriot personnel, to be well-funded via modest membership dues to each state's Lobby, from a critical mass of committed, Patriot Citizens.

Truth is, We the People have permitted those that run our nation (and states) to inflict decay, disorder and systemic corruption upon our institutions of government. It's time to organize, commit and peacefully fight back, or Liberty will surely be lost.


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