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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Marines furious over police attack on "brother" at Occupy Oakland

A six-year veteran of the United States Marines has posted a powerful photo of himself on the Internet in which he shows his dissatisfaction with the police raid in Oakland, California that put a fellow vet in critical condition. ­A late-Tuesday crack-down on the Occupy Oakland encampment left Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old Marine that served two tours of Iraq, in the hospital in critical condition after a blunt object made contact with his head, fracturing his skull and leading to swelling of the brain. The projectile is believed to be a non-lethal canister fired by the local police as hundreds of cops swarmed on the Bay Area hub of the Occupy Wall Street movement to attempt to thwart protesters.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

      I don't know where your single respondent gets his 42% or whatever: the Navy study that I read, done while I was in the Crops, put the percentage at more like 72%. I figure this was because most Marines will follow orders - at leasst on paper. It's doubtful anywhere near "50"%" would kill Americans. (I'd like to see the questionaire and the contextual nature of the query.)

     We aren't talking about what Americans think of what Marines think and do; we are talking about what a gang of limp thugs and government functionaries, pretending to be cops, think and do. Actually, if push came to shove, I'd bet tht most Americans would much rather see a Marine comeing than some moron with a badge and a gun, who hates, resents, or is envious of his fellow citizens. For my money, if anything ever really goes south in this country, I would appreciate it very much if the powers coulod see their way clear to disband and disarm all law enforcememt, so that the rest of us might stand a chance of responding and surviving.

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Google "44% Marines will shoot Americans if told to",and then Ponder why Americans really don`t care what a Marine thinks any more. 

It ain`t like it use to be when a Marine was a Marine,and the very last thing a Marine would do,would be Kill another ain`t like that any more so the I`m a Marine,I`m American,don`t wash.American dosn`t know if you brother is one of the 44%,or not.You so called Marines must clean up your own back yard before you complain about another`s back say`s a WW2-Korea Marine..a real Marine that would NEVER shoot another American.Don`t forget!! clean up your own backyard first.This also goes for the 25% of American Soldiers also.Who are,most likely, Illegal Aliens,or,Radical Muslims like found at Fort Hood.