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IPFS News Link • Central Intelligence Agency

Aftermath in Aurora: Child-Killer as "Comforter-in-Chief"

• by William N. Grigg (Pro Liberate)
Colorado native Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn’t in a movie theater when his life met a sudden, violent end. He was enjoying a backyard barbeque with his cousin in southeastern Yemen when the home was destroyed by a drone-delivered Hellfire missile.

Abdulrahman was sixteen years old when he was murdered by the United States government. He had run away from home in a desperate attempt to find his father, Anwar, a “radical cleric” who was the well-publicized target of the Obama administration’s assassination program. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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So you see? We should ban guns and all weapons. BUT ONLY WITH REGARD TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE MILITARY!