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IPFS News Link • Boston Marathon Bombing

The Case of Boston’s Disappearing Bomb Squad

•, 21wire
 Brasscheck TV rightly points out: “Here’s a reminder that one very credible witness said there were bomb squad police, bomb sniffing dogs, and police spotters with binoculars all over the Boston race”.

The police are denying it. The media are ignoring it.

Fact – University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, a man named Ali Stevenson, was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon and thought it was odd that there were bomb sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines – well before the explosions went off: 

“They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about”. 

“It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”

Why is this this so significant? Because if the ‘man on the American street’ is unaware there was a “drill” being carried out on site, on the very day of the Boston Marathon, then the man on the street will be less likely to believe that the FBI’s two prime suspects were inserted into that scene and blamed for a bombing attack which was run by another party.