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IPFS News Link • Food

Too Much Of A Sweet Thing? Time For A Sugar Detox

• Pennington

Holidays bring that love-hate relationship in full force. As much as I tried to limit myself on the Christmas cookies this year, I partook in other high sugar delectables. The proceeding day, I am met with, what I call, the sugar hangover. I had no energy, had a headache and weird mood swings.  To combat this, I consumed high amounts of coffee for needed energy. Folks, this is the wrong way to go about this. If you are also feeling this way, then sugar could be wreaking havoc on your body and a detox may be the best approach.

Not Such a Sweet Thing

Sugar isn't as sweet as it lets on to be. Sure it adds flavor, but it can also cause hormonal changes and mood swings. New studies show that excess sugar causes ageing of the skin. Scientists have even found sugar to have addictive qualities to it and are getting to the heart of this matter.

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that, in fact, higher sugar, higher glycemic foods can be addictive. Scientists have found that the nucleus accumbens, the pleasure center of the brain, is also responsible for our addictions including drug abuse and even sugar addition.

Studies are showing how this region of brain lights up in response to images or eating sugary, processed or junk food. The study emphatically proved that foods that spike blood sugar are biologically addictive.