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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Why I Don't And Won't Vaccinate My Child


Interesting dilemma. I do remember measles cases when I was a child and I remember the patient (young child) ended up with very bad eyesight problems, which were laid at the feet of the disease. I have subsequently found many of the things I learned as fact were untrue (ignorance, I believe, not malice), but I have read measles can attack the eyes. When there is an outbreak of disease, it's hard not to turn to vaccination. ?

Reply: Vaccines are outdated "cowpox" technology.  The milk maids got cowpox from the cows and therefore doctors scratched the maids' skin on their arms and rubbed kids abraded skin next to it and the kids got a mild form of the pox and developed antibodies against smallpox.

Now once we understand vaccines ARE a little bit of the very diseases they propose to quell then we can understand the folly of giving 5 different types of infectious diseases to an immune compromised child at one time (the so called 5-in-1 vaccines– measles, mumps, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough).  There is such a thing as vaccine-induced disease.  There are more cases of vaccine-induced polio in Africa now than the naturally acquired form of the viral infection itself.  The incidence of vaccine-induced disease among dogs is now rampant.  [TheDogPlace.Org] Most of the people I know who got a flu shot at the local pharmacy report they got the flu.  Of course!

First, children under age 2 are not able to develop sufficient antibodies to develop immunity from vaccination.  Despite this basic fact, the medical establishment insists upon administering a total of 19 shots, containing 24 vaccines, to infants on their 2, 4 and 6 month pediatric visits.  Pediatricians admit vaccination of young infants and toddlers represents "training the parent to bring their child in at all the pediatric wellness visits." []