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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Is Pushing the Economy To "The Verge of Final Implosion"


Editor's Comment: By design, America is going down. But the nation's dumbed-down population is slow to catch on to the subtle mechanisms of control that have allowed the Wall Street 1% to completely dominate all other aspects of the economy, and usher in controls on every transaction made in the digital world.

If it were a movie plot with scary music things couldn't be more twisted. As Brandon Smith notes, the Fed was set-up to destroy the U.S.

The Federal Reserve's Strange Behavior Makes Perfect Sense

by Brandon Smith

I have made this comment many times in the past, but I think it needs to be stated again here: If you think the Federal Reserve's goal is to maintain or repair the U.S. economy, then you will never understand why they do the things they do or why the economy evolves the way that it does. The Fed's job is not to protect the U.S. economy. The Fed's job is to DESTROY the U.S. economy to make way for a truly global system.

There seems to be a collective delusion within certain parts of the liberty movement that the "globalists" (the banking and political elites that promote total global centralization of finance and power) are a purely American or Western problem, and that they have some kind of loyalty to the success, or perceived success, of the U.S. "empire." This is nonsensical when you look at the progression of the American fiscal system after the Fed was established over a century ago.