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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Report: Murdoch Son 'Horrified by Potential Trump Presidency' Forced Out Roger Ailes

• Prison

Gabriel Sherman, whom Slate describes as "the nation's foremost Fox News beat reporter," yesterday told Slate: "James Murdoch is, by my reporting, extremely turned off and horrified by the concept of a Trump presidency, and he sees the politics of the right-wing populism fueled by Fox News as a catalyst that allowed Trump to become the Republican nominee. He's been wanting to get Ailes out."

Gretchen Carlson's post-firing "sexual harassment" suit was the perfect excuse. Ailes, despite supporting Megyn Kelly, is said to be friends with Trump and talk to him regularly. Now, he's been forced out at Fox News by Rupert Murdoch's hyper-leftist son just some three months before the election.

From Isaac Chotiner's interview with Carlson in Slate:

Isaac Chotiner: Was the decision to force Ailes out one that caused a significant dispute within the Murdoch family?

Gabriel Sherman: Oh, without question, the last two weeks illustrate the shifting power dynamics within the Murdoch family over the control and future of Rupert Murdoch's media empire. Based on all of my reporting, it is unquestionable that the swift ousting of Ailes would not have happened if Rupert's two adult sons, James and Lachlan, had not been elevated last year to co-leadership positions of the company.