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How Dangerous, Really? Trump Now Denies Asking Why US Does Not Use Nuclear Weapons


Trump reportedly asked adviser why US can't use nuclear weapons … MSNBC host Joe Scarborough told a stunned panel Wednesday morning that when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump met with an unnamed national security expert earlier this year, he repeatedly asked why the U.S. couldn't use its nuclear weapons stockpile. -AOL   

Trump has asked a good question about nuclear weapons. The US has spent trillions on nukes but only used them twice on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Too bad he now denies asking.

Apparently nuclear weapons may not be as powerful as they are made out to be by the Pentagon. At least not in the past.

Here is direct testimony of some of the exaggerations that took place from Crawford Sams – (of the 'Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission'):

The object of this instruction, called Letter of Instruction, was "You will play up the devastating effect of the atomic bomb." All right? So I was the one who set the deadline this time. Anybody who had been in Hiroshima and died within six months, whether they got run over by a bicycle or whatnot, would be credited to the atomic bomb.  …

When the bomb went off, about 2 thousand people out of 250 thousand got killed [in Hiroshima] – by blast, by thermal radiation, or by intense x-ray, gamma radiation.  …  You see, it wasn't "Bing" like the publicity here [said]: a bomb went off and a city disappeared. No such thing happened. That was the propaganda for deterrent  …

You don't hear much about the effects of Nagasaki because actually it was pretty ineffective. That was a narrow corridor from the hospital … down to the port, and the effects were very limited as far as the fire spread and all that stuff. So you don't hear much about Nagasaki.

Our previous article HERE received some interesting feedbacks.

From "Rothbard" …

You have reminded me of something that happened 15 years ago. I had a co-worker who was previously some sort of NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) EMT (emergency medical tech) for the U.S. military in Korea. We were talking one time and he said that nuclear war would be a lot more survivable that people thought. He would not say anything further, but only that I should look it up.

From "wrusssr" …

After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki "bombings" were sold to the public, the Korean war started. A UN "conflict" were were told. With MacArthur in charge. And there was a point in that "conflict" I've never understood.

It was when China massed its Army along the Yalu River to invade South Korea. If ever there was a time and place to use nuclear weapons against and opposing force in the field, that was it. War over…

Wrusssr is asking the same sort of question that Trump is asking. Why haven't nukes been used in places they could be?