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IPFS News Link • Sweden

State Run Swedish Kindergarten Bans Words "He," "She," Makes Boys Wear Dresses

• by Paul Joseph Watson

A whistleblower working at a state-run kindergarten in Sweden has revealed how officials told her never refer to children as "he" or "she," to encourage boys to wear dresses, and to initiate conversations with children as young as two about "boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls."

In an interview with Världen idag, "Anna," who has been working in the kindergarten for two years, said she was quickly informed that telling children something they were wearing was "nice" was forbidden and that the pre-schoolers should not be assigned genders.

When Anna read books to the children, she noticed that all mentions of "he" or "she" had been covered with Tipp-Ex and replaced with the gender neutral pronoun "hen".

She later discovered that the popular "Emil and Pippi" books had been thrown away because they didn't feature any gender neutral characters and the bookshelves had "been filled with children's books with subjects such as transsexuality and homosexuality."

Anna also asserted that children as young as one and two were partaking in group discussions where they were told by teachers "that a girl could fall in love with a girl and boy in a boy." The toddlers were then asked "Who are you in love with?"

A confused little boy responded, "My Lego."